This is what I use Goodreads for… I’m constantly adding new books to to ‘want to read’ list, and I generally add them faster than I’m reading, so I never run out. And when I do get to a time when there’s nothing on the ‘want to read’ list that I want to read at that moment, I’ll come to Lemmy and look at a ‘books’ community and there’s always a ‘what’s everyone reading’ thread where I can find something good.
This is what I use Goodreads for… I’m constantly adding new books to to ‘want to read’ list, and I generally add them faster than I’m reading, so I never run out. And when I do get to a time when there’s nothing on the ‘want to read’ list that I want to read at that moment, I’ll come to Lemmy and look at a ‘books’ community and there’s always a ‘what’s everyone reading’ thread where I can find something good.