What is this? A stuffed crust commercial? Who eats pizza from the outside in? The reaper will completely mar your capability to taste the other layers of hell’!
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I’m still working on getting comfortable to Cayenne. I can eat them, but I devinetively can’t eat a lot of them.
But why?
You can get a sort of “high” from it. The feeling when you are sweating from some demonic hot wings can be mind altering in a fun way.
Also tasty. Ghosts have a bit of sweetness to them. Would pair nice with chocolate. Habeneros and mangos are a pair like peanut butter and jelly. Or Carolina reaper in a block of nice cheese, so good.
I am also a masochist though, so YMMV. I could give the same explanation for why I used to let guys whip me on weekends.
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Culinary pursuit!
That’s an interesting way of spelling masochism haha
I feel like the pizza itself should be arranged the other way around, with the hottest on the outside and the mildest toward the center, so that the more you eat the more pain you experience. Nobody eats a pizza crust first.
However, that would ruin the Inferno reference.
On the other hand if you arrange it the other way around you get more of the spicier stuff.
That’s the definition of tragedy: a great pizza ruined by literalism.
I eat pizza crust first, except for stuffed crust. I eat that the “normal” way.
Nobody eats a pizza crust first.
You would be surprised. I have met such people. In specific circumstances, such as stuffed crust, I will occasionally eat pizza crust first.
that one donald trump pizza hut ad. think ringo starr did one too
Cut it into squares
Found the Chicagoan
Ohio actually. We’re the ones who do squares out of circles
What about the golden ratio spiral
Peppers should be reversed, hottest to the outside edge
Unless you eat pizza like this moron
Who is that guy? What dumb idiot, eating pizza like that. Luckily the American people would never elect such stupid dumb idiot like whoever that guy is.
I’ll bet he is stupid enough to look directly at the sun!
Obviously no one would vote for that guy. What would the other countries think?
He looks so dumb, I bet he can’t even spell “coffee.”
He’s probably not from new york. I heard you can get lynched if you eat pizza like that in new york
Sadly, that’s not the case.
Firstly, that guy looks like a fuckin idiot eating pizza like that. Second, the ninth circle is frozen over in Dante’s bible fanfic, so idk maybe by that logic this is the right pepper order?
I suspect that’s from when stuffed crust pizzas started becoming a thing.
Yeah, but they picked this moron because he already ate pizza that way.
Plus the ninth ring is in the middle, so it makes sense.
I think there’s a missed chance to have mint and other “cooling” herbs on the outer rim
Oh gods, the whiplash of something like that might be so much worse than anything else, I approve.
the ninth circle is frozen over in Dante’s bible fanfic, so idk maybe by that logic this is the right pepper order?
No. In Dante’s inferno, the point of the book is that the circles of hell get worse each increasing level.
Yeah its frozen helplessness of the powerful who’ve betrayed friends at the center. Just outside it’s people being boiled in oil
Or maybe?
Last year I planted some pepper plants, jalapeno and (what I thought was) jabanero. The peppers on one of the jabanero plants had these tiny little bumps on them and they eventually turned red instead of the usual orange of the jabaneros. When I ate the red bumpy ones, it wasn’t so much that they were hot as it felt like I’d just been punched hard in the lips. I thought that they were just some kind of weird mutation, but it turns out they were actually Carolina Reapers that had been mislabeled at the plant store. I like hot food, but that shit was too much for me.
Note: it is habanero. Said with any Spanish accent it’s gonna basically be abanero.
I do not envy your experience btw. I like the ultra spicy stuff, but that’s when I expect it. If I was making what I thought was pineapple-habanero salsa and instead got the butthole destroyer, I’d be pretty upset.
Those are ROUGH. My pug ate some heritage seed peppers called Royal Black. He found them to his liking.
“They say he carved it himself from a bigger spoon.”
Pro move: Dehydrate all the peppers and sprinkle on top like God intended.
If going by the book, the very center should be mint.
Truly an Italian hell. Mint on pizza.
Or dry ice?
Japanese mint oil. I believe that would be a very interesting experience.
I take offense that hatch green chiles are claimed to be less spicy than jalapeños. Also, habaneros are pretty often not that spicy, though plenty of them are.
*Habanero. No tilde on the n.
Oops. Thanks. Updated. I know better, too. 🤦
Supermarket jalapeños these days are really lacking in heat- I’ve done zero research on this but 15, 20 years ago they had much more of a kick.
5 years ago jalapeños packed more heat. I’ve been trying to pick a different pepper but my grocery does not stock many spicy peppers reliably
There was a booth on a Rotterdam market named “Spice Girl”. They sold a number of interesting things like the chili oil we are using (very carefully, and we are used to hot food!), and the pickled gherkins - with a habanero in the jar. Absolutely recommendable. Sadly, they no longer run that booth, as they have gone online.
Did he enjoy the experience, even if short-lived, of being able to breathe through his nose?
I took him in as a stray foster dog who had been found on the street. I’ve spent thousands on his care. I don’t claim they’re healthy at all, but he’s a delightful pet and I’m nursing him through his very geriatric years. I absolutely love him and he was a hilarious monkey back in his younger years. I’m just reminiscing on his funny days because he’s having bad days lately.
Shouldn’t there be seven hot peppers?
There almost are. 7 hot peppers, bell pepper, and poblano
Ahh yes. 7 is almost 9. Understood.
Curse my inability to proof read after multiple edits! 😋
Wait until you try Dante’s DiGiorno Giovanna ! It traps you in a time loop where you eat it over and over again, forever. Simply delightful !