This is cropped in a ways, the 16x9 version is on my Pixelfed page.
NGL I love how this came out
I captured this with my Lumix G9 with my 100-300mm lens (at 300mm) with a 1 second shutter speed.
This is cropped in a ways, the 16x9 version is on my Pixelfed page.
NGL I love how this came out
I captured this with my Lumix G9 with my 100-300mm lens (at 300mm) with a 1 second shutter speed.
It was raining sideways for me most of the day, and hailing off and on as well. I thought I was going to miss it like most other astronomical events that happen.
The rain about an hour before it started and picked back up just before it’s peak but I was happy to see what I did.
Most of the time I just see clouds for cool events.
Hopefully for the next cool astronomical event you’ll be able to catch it. I’ve been trying to get a specific astro photo for 2 years now because things keep going wrong; one year was a forest fire, the other it was raining. I’m going to try again this year but I’m not holding my breath.