You don’t have to “sign up”. You can just scroll down a bit to the “Find A Protest Now” button, or click the direct link I provided above.

ETA, you don’t even need a clever sign to hold up. Just being present is good enough.

    24 hours ago

    This is good advice. Thoth here’s a thought. Most people around here know about tor and VPNs and http proxies and whatever else. And even without that probably in general leave a more anonymous footprint on the web. I’m betting there are millions of “normies” visiting that site from their phones following FB or X (lol) or IG or TikTok links. (Which would be the same phones they will have on them when they attend one of these protests. ) But I’m betting there’s millions of visitors. Trump can’t even deport millions of people, much as he’d like to claim. If they start arresting millions for visiting a website (not that they’d have anywhere to put them) that would certainly have people rioting in the streets.