Proving that the easiest way for Democratic lawmakers to bring the Republican agenda to a screeching halt is to show a baseline level of support for the one transperson they’ve actually met.
They won’t on a wider scale though, showing just how little they care either for Trans folk or for stopping the Magats.
Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas., the chairman of the subcommittee, recognized McBride to speak and addressed her as “Mr. McBride.”
In response, McBride said, “Thank you, Madam Chair,” before beginning her remarks. She was soon cut off by the subcommittee’s ranking member Rep. William Keating, D-Mass., who asked Self to repeat his introduction. He then called McBride “mister” again.
“Mr. Chairman, you are out of order,” Keating shot back. “Mr. Chairman, have you no decency? I mean, I’ve come to know you a little bit. But this is not decent.”
“Thank you, Madam Chair,”
This is perfect.
If they’re going to act like schoolyard bullies then curt “no u” replies are more than appropriate.
Fascist lack-of-virtue-signalling.
Sarah McBride is an embarrassment to Delaware and all transgender Americans. Have a spine, lady.
She’s playing a traditional face tactic well. The strategy is to force them to look at you and do it to your face if they’re going to be bigoted and to endure it without aggression. It’s similar to a sit in but in congress.
Ultimately the goal is to display to moderates and the undecided the cruelty of the bigoted (who often present themselves as a face of “normalcy”) and the humanity of those who they target. After years of viral videos acting like all trans people lose our shit when even accidentally misgendered, here is one just fucking taking it while refusing to be bullied out of congress. And so rather than allowing opponents to say she makes everything about trans issues, those who run against the people being cruel to her can say that.
tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article
“I’m not here to fight about bathrooms. I’m here to fight for Delawareans and to bring down costs facing families,” she said.
Some real fucking solidarity going on here if you ask me /s
That quote was in response to Nancy mace banning Sarah from the woman’s bathroom iirc