Hahaha, no, dumbfucks all over think this is a feel good story because the job didn’t fire her ass right away like they would have 15 years ago in the “you’re lucky to have a job” era. Now they’re so short on workers who actually want to work such bullshit-ass jobs that they’re willing to “make exceptions.”
Hahaha, no, dumbfucks all over think this is a feel good story because the job didn’t fire her ass right away like they would have 15 years ago in the “you’re lucky to have a job” era. Now they’re so short on workers who actually want to work such bullshit-ass jobs that they’re willing to “make exceptions.”
Plus in a few years the girl can start working there too since child labor laws would be extinct and she already knows how to run the register.
Every single fucking day, my soul wilts just a little bit more…