Imagine firing your entire IT team and then crying ‘cyberattack’ when the servers can’t handle traffic.
Why is anyone even still using that product?
I never noticed until this picture how much X looks like two swords crossed. Hmmm.
I hope that there are more to come;-))
twitter still has 28,000 users? and they’re active enough to report the outage?
I was coming on this thread to say “Anonymous better claim this and come out of stasis…”
Your comment made my day!
Did they tho? I don’t see anything on the site that claims this attack
“they will be removed”
Most of the people involved in that cyberattack are wearing thigh high socks and cat ear headphones, and they’re much cooler than Musk would ever be.
What is “priaprism”?
I’ll take “PP WORDS” for 600, Alex.
Having a janky wang doesn’t make Musk uncool in and of itself, lots of janky wang-havers are cool.
His insecurity about it, publicly, deprives him of any coolosity he ever could have had.
He is a man without potential or love.
The joke started out in my head as “stop, I can only get so hard!” And then I classed it up with medical terminology.
I had to look this up, and wow, the image on the Wikipedia article for priaprism is… well, it’s something.
Isn’t that the same picture they used for the article on Biggus Dickus?
One hour too late. Smh
The attack started when Musk acquired Twitter and laid off everyone who wasn’t an asshole.
Some of the people who stayrd are h1b slaves who cant leave
I understand that it can be immensely scary to leave a job and if the acquisition happened a week ago I’d be more forgiving but… they’ve had enough time, H1Bs have exit clauses that, especially someone fleeing Twitter for ethical reasons, could have used to find an alternative sponsor.
I do fucking hate H1B exploitation, but folks have had long enough at this point that the excuses runneth dry.
Good thing the US is lowering its cybersecurity forces. 🤦
Oh goody, Anon must be back.
Good 😎
Musk right now…
Big oh no anyway vibes.