If you murdered every murderer, you should get enough points to go to The Good Place, right?

Hypothetically speaking of course. I’m obliged by lemmy.world rules to state that I do not condone murder. 😉

  • OP’s question specifically mentions a “good place” and a “bad place.” This implies some higher power or powers. If they exist; and if there is indeed an eternal afterlife; and if the difference is existing in eternally pleasure or existing in eternal torment; then you’d be a deranged fool to not care what god thinks.

    Pascal’s Wager says that the rational decision is to be devout. The flaw in his logic is that there are a great many religions, and you can apply the same wager to Islam, to Buddhism, to Thelema*, and by Pascal’s own logic the only reasonable decision is to be devout to all of them at once, which is impossible.

    • Thelema might be the exception here, because Satanism has very few rules that penalize you for breaking them. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” allows you to be a Mormon, if you want. The best hope for most of us is that Thelema is the One True Religion.
    • Maeve@kbin.earth
      13 hours ago

      That’s not what Thelma means and I wish people would do more than scratch the surface of that or any other religion before being so confident. I’ve studied various religions, including the occult and astrology for well over three decades and still just got to the meat of it in the last few days. And maybe not even now.

    • erotador
      16 hours ago

      I am already an ordained dudeist priestess, I think it suits me just fine.

      • Really? Howdy! I’m an ordained priest in the Church of Bacon. I’ve performed two weddings as such, even; I didn’t get ordained for no reason. Both marriages are still holding, so I count those as wins.

        I’m also an ordained Discordian priest, but that happened back in the 80’s and I don’t think I have any record of it. There may have been a number of pharmaceuticals involved.