I’m usually watching CityPlannerPlays.
While he usually does US-inspired builds, and (especially since CS2 still doesn’t have bikes) cars are a big focus in CS2, he still thinks about public transit, and walkable neighborhoods
Yeah I’ve watched him too. I’m just getting kind of sick of his american planning style and stroads and stuff. I wish there was someone who made more european/asian style citiesz
Ie. planning cities american/canadian/australian style, barely any public transit or walkability, lots of parking and concrete island, large roads that prioritise car traffic over everything (stroads) etc
are there any good mods to rebalance the game?
Last time I tried to do it in SC1 or 2 it wasn’t really feasable. the games themselves are too heavily focused on cars
it’s very possible. it’s even possible to build cities without any personal vehicles at all. (only service vehicles). Though the default ways to play the game are heavily biased towards carcentrism. It’s been too long since I’ve played to remember actualol mods and stuff I’m too poor to own a PC that could run games like that. But back in lockdown I spent an insane amount of time on that game haha.
In CS1 there was a mod to rebalance percentages because there was a built in 70% car usage minimum. I think CS2 base game is playable without any outside road connection so you can have a city be purely public transit and walking. See Seniac 2’s oiltown series (Ironic the town he designed without cars is super car centric anyways).
I tried it with SC2 on release and even if I had 100% “pedestrian only” streets, people still drove on them to get to their place. Even with a lot of public transport.
But maybe the early release version was also part of the problem. I should try again
It’s a bit of a pain, but you could literally not have an outside road connection to your town. Only an outside rail connection. Then no one can own cars.