Worse; you could buy people from the silk road. Wives, children, nanny’s slaves… Along with military equipment, drugs ofc, stolen goods, and pretty much anything illegal that has a buyer.
Had a friend that liked buying drugs there, and would send me screenshots of some of the insane ads he found. He was pissed when it got shut down, and moved to a market called ‘Agora’.
Broke off that friendship quite a while ago and haven’t heard about it since. Not really my scene…
False, no human trafficking, cp, or hitmen services were allowed and were promptly removed, except when Ross him self tried to buy one. Obviously people attempted to hide their sales, just like they do in the clearnet, but the site had a policy against many things.
Maybe they weren’t permitted/encouraged, and eventually got removed, but you could definitely find them there. I wish I’d saved images; but this was 15years ago.
Worse; you could buy people from the silk road. Wives, children,
nanny’sslaves… Along with military equipment, drugs ofc, stolen goods, and pretty much anything illegal that has a buyer.Had a friend that liked buying drugs there, and would send me screenshots of some of the insane ads he found. He was pissed when it got shut down, and moved to a market called ‘Agora’.
Broke off that friendship quite a while ago and haven’t heard about it since. Not really my scene…
False, no human trafficking, cp, or hitmen services were allowed and were promptly removed, except when Ross him self tried to buy one. Obviously people attempted to hide their sales, just like they do in the clearnet, but the site had a policy against many things.
I don’t think there was ever any solid proof Ross tried to do that.
Maybe they weren’t permitted/encouraged, and eventually got removed, but you could definitely find them there. I wish I’d saved images; but this was 15years ago.
Yeah and you can find them in the internet too, on telegram, instagram.