Right now I’m currently using Apple TV to buy video content. But I would like to switch to an european alternative that does not have any drm.
Does pirating from European servers count??? /s
Not buying, but streaming: https://www.filmin.es/
I don’t think that it answers the DRM requirement but BritBox is a British service for British tv programmes and films owned by the BBC and ITV. Internationally it serves the US, Canada, Aus, SA and the continental Nordics.
It’s only half a joke. Until Europe creates something unified it remains true.
For a time France was considering a “Cultural tax” to fight against torrenting etc. The idea was to pay a fixed fee like 10 or 15€ a month that gave you access to everything in legal streaming. It would have been perfect and people would have pay for it instead of illegally downloading.
Then Netflix came and took that market, then all others mega corporations wanted their share of the money and streaming went to shit and sent us back to the initial issue.
The problem today is that even if we had such a general platform, plenty of right owners would refuse it to favor their own network platform.
For a time France was considering a “Cultural tax” to fight against torrenting etc
Most European countries have a “private copying levy”, which is basically a tax on storage mediums (HDDs, SSDs, etc, including those inside computers and phones). So as far as I’m concerned I’m already paying for my torrented content.
True, this one is named “taxe sur la copie privée” in France.
But they wanted to do something else, a kind of super powerful public Netflix paid by taxes.
Finding such a platform that allows you to download bought movies without DRM is gonna be hard.
I am not 100% sure but I think pathehome.com does have DRM (and I dont even know if they allow the bought movies to be downloaded or not). But as a Netflix/Amazon Prime Video replacement it would work.
MUBI also has DRM.
Buy DVDs and rip them?
Or borrow them from your local library and rip them
There’s https://mediathekview.de/, but it’s probably only useful if you speak German.