The Supreme Court is reviewing a dispute over a federal license allowing private company Interim Storage Partners to store nuclear waste in Texas’ Permian Basin, a major oil-producing region.
Texas opposes the plan, arguing federal law mandates nuclear waste be stored at reactor sites or a federal facility like Yucca Mountain, which remains inactive due to political resistance.
The case will determine whether Texas can challenge the license and if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has authority to approve temporary, offsite nuclear waste storage.
A ruling is expected by June.
Yeah, it is a dumping ground, but the concern here is the unintended release of radioactive materials into the surrounding environments.
Florida being a huge, saltwater-accessible, hurricane prone wetland means that not only will containment be nigh impossible, but that it would readily leach into the watershed and fuck up the everglades and other ecosystems in the area.
And apparently there are innocent people or whatever nearby.