Selon un sondage réalisé par l'institut Elabe pour BFMTV et publié ce mardi 4 mars, une majorité de Français ont été "choqués" par l'altercation à la Maison Blanche entre Donald Trump, qu'ils jugent responsable, et Volodymyr Zelensky, dont ils ont une bonne image. 64% craignent également que le...
And I doubt they will be able to start their little revolution. The courts are fighting back. People are getting their jobs back. There is balance forming. We just have to be patient till the next election. I’m not all doom and gloom because I have hope for my nation.
And I doubt they will be able to start their little revolution. The courts are fighting back. People are getting their jobs back. There is balance forming. We just have to be patient till the next election. I’m not all doom and gloom because I have hope for my nation.