Fuck RFK Jr. He killed all those kids in Samoa. Now he wants to do the same here. If you aren’t organizing yet. Do it! Get to DC!
I’m happy kids are dying in Texas. I’ll wait.
This kind of thinking does nothing good, at all.
The kids are blameless. Their parents, on the other hand, are absolutely complete idiotic psychopaths.
What did the kids do wrong? The only ones that deserve anything got vaccinated ages ago when their parents were smart enough to do so. Otherwise they would have already died by now.
Gleeful about the preventable deaths of those who live in a different area or have different beliefs is a Republican mentality. We have to be better than that…
Oh, and they’re innocent fucking kids.
I appreciate when people make it known they are useless and should be ignored
BREAKING NEWS: A MAGA is a hypocrite and a liar. More at 10…
Is there a single appointee that didn’t blatantly lie during their hearing?
The Nixon-era Richardson Waiver came about amid a push for more public engagement, with the waiver acting essentially as a workaround to amending the APA’s exemptions. As Richard Brady, the assistant secretary for administration, wrote in the Federal Register at the time, implementing the Richardson Waiver “should result in greater participation by the public in the formulation of this Department’s rules and regulations.”
“The public benefit from such participation should outweigh any administrative inconvenience or delay which may result from use of the APA procedures in the five exempt categories,” Brady wrote. The waiver also noted that the Health Department should use the “good cause” exception “sparingly.”
Kennedy’s new policy rescinds the Richardson Waiver entirely. He writes in stark contrast: “The extra-statutory obligations of the Richardson Waiver impose costs on the Department and the public, are contrary to the efficient operation of the Department, and impede the Department’s flexibility to adapt quickly to legal and policy mandates.”
So, just to make this clear, they didn’t just not really implement their fabled transparency, they also walked back on the control mechanisms that were already in place.
That lasted long.