I have been looking into some stuff and for now the Philips oneblade looks like the most interesting option to me, does someone maybe have experience with it? How long do the blades last? Or are there any other alternatives you would recommend?
I have been looking into some stuff and for now the Philips oneblade looks like the most interesting option to me, does someone maybe have experience with it? How long do the blades last? Or are there any other alternatives you would recommend?
Or safety razors if you don’t want to deal with a learning curve. Ridiculously cheap as well-- I’m embarrassed at how long I spent paying for those stupid 5 blade things.
I’ve got really thick growth and triple blade razors would go dull in a handful of shaves and be expensive to replace. I tried electric for a long time and that caused way more irritation.
I switched to safety razors a few years ago and never looked back. They are sharper to begin with and stay sharper longer. Single blades work much better with less irritation that these dumb multiblade shitshows that seem to have become the norm. The disposable blade is all metal and completely recyclable.
I would really really recommend that everyone give safety razors a try.
They dont clog nearly as badly as disposables, either. Just kinda shake it around in a cup of water and the hair falls out