name of language: uá
name meaning: speech, language, talk
writing system: latin, cyrillic (recently added)
there are 9 sounds in total
“a” - like father
“e” like bed
“i” like in “see”
“o” like in “store”
“u” like in “moon”
n “New”
s “Save”
kh, like in “Hat”
“m” - “Money”
Accent means the syllable is drawn out slightly/more emphasis
á - not, no
ae - everything
oé - animal
aí - reptile
uá - speech, talk
óa - good
íe - bad
khéen - using
khái - disgusting
ian - person
iasía - mirror, reflection
iéo - yellow, green
o - to hold, have
kháa - fish
khána - noise
khóm - come
khási - plant
khén - can, possible
akhú - raccoon
khíi - fruit, vegetable
khín - also
khísi - piece, cut
khíen - rock
khó - goop, paste, powder
khon - air, spirit
khúe - color
khúu - group
khué - ear, to hear
áan - to steal
ákhe - to sleep or rest
áso - blue, green
auá - head, leader
ékho - block/square
én - clothing, cloth
ée - cold, ice
séi - fire, hot
úi - big
íi - small
ókhu - mouth, to eat
ina - line
íu - paper
óie - red
ón - is, at, exist
úkha - hand
úkhin - see, eye
úna - hole
na - land
nana - parent
néi - woman
níe - man
nókhi - dead
ónsi - back
nún - moon
nusi - silly, play
núe - many
nákha - number
nasa - strange
nasin - way
nena - bump, mountain
ni - me
khí - this
nimi - name
nókha - foot
óin - love
ona - it
óen - open
ákha - break
nái - do
aía - stick
án - food
ána - give
si - of
síin - feel
síeia - black
síi - end
sisi - bug
okha - near
ókhi - container
sána - same
séo - skin
séne - what
séui - high
siéo - body
síkhe - circle
sin - new
khía - you
khísi - face
síkheén - picture
sona - know
súno - sun
súa - table
súi - sweet
san - from
sáso - but
saua - to
séo - water
sénkho - time
óno - house
sú - two
únkha - sex
úsa - mouth
úsaa - fight
uáo - white
uán - one
uasó - bird
uaua - strong
uékha - away
uíne - want