Japan has strawberries that can be $500+ each.
I saw a cooking or travel show that featured the guy who grows those a while back. Apparently they taste absolutely amazing, but I can’t imagine justifying spending that much money on a strawberry.
Yeah I remember that.
For the amount of work the grower does you’re getting a steal but for what you’re getting … it’s a tall order.
I grow strawberries and have a container I try to baby and ill be honest you’d have to pay me more than 500 bucks to care for them that much 😂
The flying fuck is a erewhan?? Who is this for??
Think Whole Foods but even more expensive.
We have reached peak Marie Antoinette stages of US opulence.
Anyone wanna start a business with me? Luxury organic prime $18 strawberries picked fresh from my local supermarket daily. All I need is some swank packaging and a storefront.
I saw that Zuckerberg had a $900,000 watch. I cannot figure out what would cause a watch the cost that much so I figured someone is just selling an expensive watch and a billionaire will buy it because it’s expensive.
So do you want to get in on expensive sticks we found in the woods? Starting price 200 grand
Status symbol, aka “I need to differentiate myself from those lowly serfs, lest they think themselves as equal to me!”
I mean, there’s a lot of very impressive manual labour in that watch. Not 900k of it, but still, if you wanna charge prices like that, you probably need some kinda storied history, or innovation, or whatever else you can gesture at justifying your outrageous pricing.
Also needs some stir, maybe find someone more or less famous willing to wear your product, would be best if they also made a scene while wearing it.
Individually packaged strawberries… Some people just want to get fucked by the environment, don’t they?
Can’t fix stupid
It’s not stupidity, it’s wealth.
When you have so much that you don’t know what to do with anymore, you start looking for more exotic ways to spend it and you settle on things like overprice produce and single use clothing items.
All of it in an attempt to feel some excitement from the boredom of being able to do whatever you want but being still constrained by your day to day life.
It sure looks stupid though when you could just buy a good strawberry and enjoy it.