Speaking on a Giant Bomb podcast, Jeff Grubb explored how Dreadwolf’s constant delays are also impacting the next Mass Effect game.

  • @Gibdos@feddit.de
    2510 months ago

    Considering how luke-warm Inquisition was and how terrible Andromenda was, I really don’t understand how people expect a good game from a company that hasn’t delivered a really good game in over 10 years.

    I fully expect the next Dragon Age to be classic EA garbage, same as the next Mass Effect. Though I of course wouldn’t mind being proven wrong.

        • comicallycluttered
          10 months ago

          I actually liked Anthem and Andromeda. Had a lot of fun with them, if I’m being honest.

          Granted, I played them after many patches quite a while after release back when EA Play was called Origin Access, so I didn’t exactly “buy” them specifically. Opinion might be different if I did, and probably would be if I played them on release.

          Still, I enjoyed them for what they were. I guess I just wasn’t waiting in anticipation for their release or with any hype that could end up disappointing me, so I didn’t have to deal with unmet expectations.

          That and also I think I’m just easy to please.

          • @Mereo@lemmy.ca
            410 months ago

            I also enjoyed Andromeda but I just can’t get myself to replay it. I replayed the Trilogy multiple times but I just couldn’t replay Andromeda, it felt like a chore.

            • stopthatgirl7OP
              10 months ago

              Andromeda was just way too bloated. I liked Andromeda, but they need to have cut all the “find three macguffins scattered randomly on the map” quests, merged the desert planets (did we really need Eos AND Elaaden?), and done another round of editing to the story.

              I watched a random YouTube video where the person hated Andromeda but decided to give it another chance and ONLY do the main and loyalty missions, and he said it was like light and day, how much better it was. They bloated the game so they could have more for the sake of more, and it paid for it.

                • stopthatgirl7OP
                  210 months ago

                  Apparently, it greatly improved the pace and gave the story a sense of urgency. I figure if you cut out so the faff, it makes Andromeda about the same length as ME1, which is the length it honestly should have been.

    • resketreke
      610 months ago

      I think Inquisition is actually Bioware’s second best selling game, and EA only sees money. So I’m afraid that’s what we can expect from Dreadwolf: another Inquisition, or even something more watered-down to cater to wider audiences.

  • Samus Crankpork
    810 months ago

    Maybe if they don’t want delays they should stop firing people important to the game’s development.

  • @Tinkerer@lemmy.ca
    510 months ago

    Why the hate on inquisition? I absolutely love their dragon age games and inquisition is by far my favorite one. Can’t find any better crafting,looting, and combat system out their for rpgs IMO

    • Dalek Thal
      210 months ago

      Lot of people insistent on rewriting history regarding Inquisition. It won GOTY when it came out, and honestly, with very good reason.

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      1010 months ago

      They just laid off 50 people. We are not getting another ME game - not one made by BioWare, at any rate.

      • @Callie@pawb.social
        310 months ago

        It’s be so great if they all formed a new studio and just started a new franchise as the spiritual successor. After the disaster of Andromeda and the middle of the road game that inquisition was compared to its predecessors, I don’t have much hope about the fantastic writing of previous games coming back.

        • stopthatgirl7OP
          1010 months ago

          Most of them have scattered to studios and have games coming out, so it’s not likely they’ll ever be able to get the old BioWare group back together.

          The studio that David Gaider, one of the OG BioWare writers, is at now just put out a game, “Stray Gods.”

      • @ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com
        310 months ago

        I’m willing to bet a cool $100 we’re getting a Bioware ME in the coming 5 years but I’ll concede it’s far more likely to be Andromeda “quality” than ME2.

          • @ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com
            210 months ago

            If you argue BioWare is already dead after some big names leaving and thus doesn’t really exist anymore then sure. Like a Ship of Theseus line of thinking that too much has changed already. I could accept that.

            But if you honestly think EA will kill the brand of in 5 years time I think you’re delusional. Sure they haven’t delivered in some time but their legacy still gets games both hyped and sold. ME Legendary edition sold very well and SWTOR has been very profitable as well.

            • stopthatgirl7OP
              210 months ago

              Have you looked at the list of studios - big name ones, like Visceral - that EA has shut down in the past? EA absolutely will close BioWare down if they decide they aren’t profitable enough anymore. Look at how many of BioWare’s substudios they’ve already shut down (BioWare Montreal made the Citadel DLC. Then they made Anthem and POOF, now they’re gone), and all the layoffs they just announced at BioWare Austin and how they’re shifting SWTOR to a completely different, outside studio.

              • @ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com
                110 months ago

                Visceral didn’t have even 10% of the name recognition BioWare has. As for the substudios that happens all the time when expansion plans fail due to poor releases, it’s extreme to think that spells the imminent death of BioWare. But sure, EA has that kind of track record. Westwood was a huge name way back when and they got killed. Though they didn’t manage like BioWare to get known for multiple things. They really only had Command & Conquer which still “lives on” in a Frankenstein’s Monster kind of sense.

                • stopthatgirl7OP
                  110 months ago

                  They also killed off the studio that originally created the Sims. BioWare isn’t safe.

      • @hyorvenn@jlai.lu
        310 months ago

        Andromeda really killed the hype for me. I guess the next DA and ME will also be some boring DA Inquisition-like

        • ゴン太
          310 months ago

          I don’t even dare to hope for Dreadwolf to be, at least, as decent as Inquisition.

          • stopthatgirl7OP
            410 months ago

            As soon as they said they were trying to copy the combat in the new God of War games, I just had the same sinking feeling I had when they announced one world in Andromeda would be bigger than all the zones in Inquisition.

            BioWare long ago lost sight of who they are. Now they’re just chasing trends and doing it badly.