since nobody has given an explanation yet I’ll try to, however I am horrible with getting my words out and someone else can give a way better explanation than me.
Most trans people will either have signs or know that they are trans before they are 18. I myself knew that something was off about me as early as 3rd grade, I saw a tomboy and told my parents I wanted to be a ‘tomgirl’.
By the time puberty hits is when irreversible changes happen to the body. This is also when most trans people really get the “oh shit this ain’t right” moment.
Imagine being trapped in a body that is doing its very best to rip your soul apart from you, then learning that there are medications that can stop it, but then learning that people who aren’t even experiencing what you are have made the choice for you to not let you access them.
Now imagine that, for 5+ years.
Not 5+ years. Experience it beginning for 5+ years, then for the rest of your life because puberty has no undo button on many changes. I will never understand assholes who want to take away puberty blockers from kids who need them to have more time to decide on the life they want to live. That is no one’s god damn business but their own, under 18 or not.
not that big of an issue, conservatives like to play up the numbers WAAYYYY more than it actually is. Nobody is pressured into being trans, infact it’s the opposite.
Normal cosmetic surgery has a regret rate of 30% while trans surgeries have a 5% regret rate.
Practically nonexistant, it is not possible for children under 16 to access HRT, if anything they are prescribed puberty blockers (so that you know… they can avoid suffering from the changes in their body and not be permanently affected).
The general figure of regret for transgender affirming care is 1%, and 82.5% of these people do not detransition because they are no longer trans, but because of external factors.
Just about any medical procedure will sometimes produce regrets in some portion of the population of people who undergo it, for instance vaccinations, amniocentesis, etc. It’s not reasonable to suggest that because this is true that no one should have access to the treatments.
What contact in your personal or professional life have you had with trans folk? Are you speaking with experience of appreciating their pain or are you just speaking based on what you’ve heard?
since nobody has given an explanation yet I’ll try to, however I am horrible with getting my words out and someone else can give a way better explanation than me.
Most trans people will either have signs or know that they are trans before they are 18. I myself knew that something was off about me as early as 3rd grade, I saw a tomboy and told my parents I wanted to be a ‘tomgirl’.
By the time puberty hits is when irreversible changes happen to the body. This is also when most trans people really get the “oh shit this ain’t right” moment.
Imagine being trapped in a body that is doing its very best to rip your soul apart from you, then learning that there are medications that can stop it, but then learning that people who aren’t even experiencing what you are have made the choice for you to not let you access them.
Now imagine that, for 5+ years.
It’s torture.
Not 5+ years. Experience it beginning for 5+ years, then for the rest of your life because puberty has no undo button on many changes. I will never understand assholes who want to take away puberty blockers from kids who need them to have more time to decide on the life they want to live. That is no one’s god damn business but their own, under 18 or not.
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I agree, but that’s totally unrelated to the topic of trans rights. Whataboutism doesn’t make the issue go away.
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Like circumcision right? Cause you know, and you certainly wouldn’t argue in bad faith about gender reassignment surgery happening to infants. Right?
Is this supposed to be a counter argument? I also disagree with mutilating the genitals of infants.
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not that big of an issue, conservatives like to play up the numbers WAAYYYY more than it actually is. Nobody is pressured into being trans, infact it’s the opposite.
Normal cosmetic surgery has a regret rate of 30% while trans surgeries have a 5% regret rate.
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Most people who transition are happy with the choice, less so about people who question are you really trans?
You sure love semantics. Sounds very ben shapiro of you.
Practically nonexistant, it is not possible for children under 16 to access HRT, if anything they are prescribed puberty blockers (so that you know… they can avoid suffering from the changes in their body and not be permanently affected).
The general figure of regret for transgender affirming care is 1%, and 82.5% of these people do not detransition because they are no longer trans, but because of external factors. Source:
By age 17, 0.1% of trans children get HRT. Source:
Now let’s calculate some numbers: 1% of these 0.1% will regret it, that’s 0.001%. And 17.5% of these might not be transgender, so that’s 0.000175%
According to that second study, there’s about 300000 trans children, so 0.000175% of that is 0.525 people.
So… less than 1 child in the whole United States would maybe regrets it because they’re not trans. In other words, you can stop fear mongering.
Just about any medical procedure will sometimes produce regrets in some portion of the population of people who undergo it, for instance vaccinations, amniocentesis, etc. It’s not reasonable to suggest that because this is true that no one should have access to the treatments.
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What contact in your personal or professional life have you had with trans folk? Are you speaking with experience of appreciating their pain or are you just speaking based on what you’ve heard?