• Whats_your_reasoning@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Most children have no idea how sexuality or genders work anyway

    So all the kids who make fun of the “fairy boy” or “butch girl” don’t have pre-existing knowledge of gender and sexuality expectations?

    Then why aren’t bullies targeting girls for dressing up in boas and singing pop? Why aren’t boys made fun of for cutting their hair short and liking sports? Put a boy in the first scenario and a girl in the second, and other kids will point them out as being “different.”

    If kids have “no idea how sexuality or genders work” then what, exactly, makes this type of discrimination possible?

    On an unrelated note, your understanding of children in general is absolutely baffling. It’s clear you aren’t around kids much, don’t remember your own childhood, and know diddly squat about child development. Kids are much smarter than you think.