Just you.
Vincent Price might have made his career in horror and playing creepy characters, IRL he was anything but. By the things I have read about him, he was a good person. He was also a chef in his own right, so seeing him in the kitchen baking cookies with someone would have been completely normal for him. He was probably having the time of his life, sharing his love of food with a child.
I’m sure that photo documents one of the few healthy interactions Drew had during her childhood.
Edit: Grammar
Drew Barrymore had a fucked-up childhood, even by child star standards. Most of the other adults in her life would have been handing her shots at a nightclub.
As far as I’m concerned, Vincent here is giving her the closest equivalent to a normal childhood experience he can give. Even then, I’m pretty sure this was still a photoshoot…
She would’ve been 9 in this picture. It’s just innocent fun - making cookies with a kid.
Vincent Price was quite the chef. He even had a cookery show on British TV in the early 70s.
The Barrymore family is old Hollywood royalty. That’s just a kid making cookies with a family friend.
Just to clarify this, the Barrymore family has its own separate Wikipedia page that describes them as an acting family back into the 1800s. They’re acting royalty old enough to have had members think acting in the US was a step down, and then that movie acting was a dirty secret.
Because it’s Valentine’s day cookies? Yeah I guess, but Drew is a nepo baby. Her dad and this old Hollywood guy were probably friends?
“this old Hollywood guy” lol
If by weird you mean awesome?
Two horror movie icons hangin’ out.