I believe a crucial aspect they’re overlooking is the responsibility that comes with wealth. A small business may have a minimal impact on the world around it, but as a business grows larger, its influence increases significantly, and the rules governing it should reflect that. Any private or public business with a substantial impact should be required to have a supervisory board that includes representatives from the affected public. Additionally, ownership of businesses exceeding a certain value should be made public.
I believe a crucial aspect they’re overlooking is the responsibility that comes with wealth. A small business may have a minimal impact on the world around it, but as a business grows larger, its influence increases significantly, and the rules governing it should reflect that. Any private or public business with a substantial impact should be required to have a supervisory board that includes representatives from the affected public. Additionally, ownership of businesses exceeding a certain value should be made public.
That just means that businesses aproaching that value get split into two, with the same owners, via the same sorts of shells and offshore trusts.