Ah… so now we’re not just dividing the people against themselves domestically, but internationally too.
Who benefits from that?
What a fucking stupid meme
Not stupid of you’re trying to support Trump’s efforts to divide the US and its allies.
Like Europe is doing any better
21% of romanians who voted thought someone who said that carbonated juices contain nanochips, which “enter you like into a laptop”, and that someone responsible with the death of 250000-380000 jews during WW2 was a national hero, while also saying that he would fight antisemitism if elected was the best choice
We don’t act like we are one country even though the EU + some other countries act more like one country than the US.
Not saying that we aren’t a mess, but there are vast differences between countries in every sense of the word.
This meme is stupid and the thread is full of people who say “the Americans should fix it”
Sure let’s go protest and get shot dead by our own new gestapo.
Fuck off.
What we really need is action but we are too cowed.
i DiDn’T vOtE bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL
Yes, yes, we’ve all read the OP…
Victim blaming. How enlightened.
Americans seeing themselves as the center of the world and primary (or only?) victims here, when American foreign policy is wreaking havoc on the international community. We’re not focused on you, as Americans, because your government is currently trying to fuck us and we’re dealing with that. We can have compassion for what you’re going through, just don’t expect much support as we have our own shit to deal with.
We can have compassion for what you’re going through, just don’t expect much support as we have our own shit to deal with.
That’s perfectly fair. That’s also not the message the meme conveys.
Yes, it is. The meaning of this meme is “ok, you have shit going on, not our present concern”.
Not really. If that was the case, the conversation between Europe and Canada would be about some of their many internal concerns. Instead they are talking about the orange clown. When Americans, the most directly affected victims of this fascist regime’s policies, try to interact amd commiserate about Cheeto Jesus’ bullshit, Europe and Canada give them a “ok cool fuck off” thumbs up.
That’s pretty straightforward.
You also seem to think we’re sitting here just discussing America and/or your president. I assure you, we’re not, we’re talking about how to reorganize our global community to not involve America. America is noted as a former ally, not as a central aspect of our collective future. Canada and Europe discussing new trade agreements only has to do with American as far as they will not be involved in those trade agreements.
You also seem to think we’re sitting here just discussing America and/or your president.
Not at all. I don’t make generalizations about the people of an entire country, much less a continent. I am only commenting on the meme.
Americans are victims to their own government is completely different ways than the rest of the world. Your status as a victim does not grant you access to be a commentator on all other conversations occurring. The is no blame there, only a lack of validation of you being a victim.
The individualistic “me fist” attitude of Americans, no matter how marginalized they seem to be, is infuriating. Do you even recognize and discuss how much global strife is caused to the global south on a daily basis for a century directly because of American interest? Seriously, get fucked if you think anyone in the world should be putting any American’s interests above their own at this juncture of history. With that said, I fully support the international community asylum opportunities and hope they are helpful to Americans facing political persecution.
How have the fascist regime’s policies affected the rest of the world? Sure, the States draconian policies are terrible and we will be standing up to them at an international level, but you want the rest of the world to put you first while your government is being openly antagonistic to us. Are you first concerns not with Russian, North Korean or chinese citizens who still have less freedom of expression than any American?
The irony… https://imgur.com/a/x9GTjqT
Imma be totally real with you boss, our(American) government is trying just as hard to fuck us(the citizens).
Ok, so form separatist factions we can align with on an international level. Otherwise, we’re dealing with nation to nation negotiations. How much have the American people reached out to individually support the people of Iran, North Korea or Russia? Spoiler: not much of fuck all. Why should the international community now do intently care about individual American lives?
i don’t want your support i want the EU to fucking intervene before the american government make things much, much worse for everyone
To intervene in US internal policies? A lot of nations are standing up to America. I don’t see the use in Americans chiming in on non-american inter-nation negotiations that are working to punish America. You’re inside the machine, take up the front where it exists for you. Work at creating factions to fight America from within America that the international community can support. At this point it’s as organized as ANTIFA (not a slander against ANTIFA, but if you really want to fight fascism it needs to go a step further).
you might not be aware of this because of america’s long historic tradition of propaganda but Americans are very scared of their government, of organizing against it and of saying what they think should happen to the oligarchs and fascists that have come to rule the USA. so I’m not going to say what I think the EU ought to do to the USA, but rest assured, if the EU did those things you’d have a lot of ground support
More than ground support is needed - organized resistance groups that are actively engaged as anti-fascist agents are needed. I get why that’s difficult, but that’s where the work from inside the machine is needed first and foremost. Operations in States that also hinder the feds will likely be most fruitful.
Hi there, disabled American here.
Any chance I can seek aslyum in the EU or Canada when Trump/Elon cuts off my disability payments, thus leaving me to die, starving and homeless?
No, fleeing because you’d otherwise starve is what our neoliberal government calls an “economic migration”.
You’re only a legit refugee when your government is trying to kill you directly, like right now. In that case, you can apply for asylum, but please do so before leaving your country, and allow 5-10 years for processing your application.I hope so - asylum usually needs to be filed from a political persecution perspective, but probably worth looking into what paperwork you would need to prove your need for asylum now.
Oh, well I don’t have much paperwork left, beyond a pdf of my SSDI payments.
Got assaulted, maimed, lost my job, got evicted, lost everything, ended up homeless for about a year.
Somehow managed to get my social security card and drivers liscense replaced after my wallet got stolen for the third time, roughed it untill I got SSDI payments instated, had to take a greyhound halfway across the country to find a shit tier motel turned ‘apartment complex’ willing to let me rent, that I could afford.
The job that I lost was being a data analyst, db admin, webdev, etc for the largest non profit in Seattle … that served and housed the homeless community.
They didn’t give a fuck about myself becoming homeless, despite me personally knowing half the people that man the phones, despite myself having overhauled the online application for assistance process.
… So anyway, yeah I don’t have any paperwork anymore, beyond debt collectors harassing me for bills run up on my stolen credit cards.
https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/campaigns/claiming-asylum.html?adv=2425-675252&gad_source=1 I don’t think you could be considered for asylum in Canada as of yet. Generally, you need to be facing persecution from your state, which personal suffering within a state does not quite qualify. I’m not aware of any country that accepts refugees on the basis that the country being fled does not provide housing or healthcare. Not saying we ought not, but that is the truth of asylum systems.
Guess I’ll die, then.
Its taken me over a solid year of doing my own PT everyday to be able to kind of walk for more than 30 minutes without screaming pain.
I dunno, for Canada, I’ve got two bachelors degreea that might help count toward the points system thing as a highly qualified worker, but last time I looked at the scoresheet, wasn’t enough… and I can still only type in short bursts before my right hand and wrist are in agony, so I can’t do any serious computer work, and now I have a 2+ year gap in my job history.
Again, if SSDI gets cut off for me, I will just die.
SNAP is already getting curtailed… and if you don’t have an address, because you have no home, because you have no income, you can’t apply for SNAP.
So I’ll starve, as all the homeless shelters are already at max capacity, and most don’t allow you to stay inside all day, who cares if it’s a blizzard or a heat wave.
America is quickly becoming a 3rd world nation. Person to person I am sorry for your circumstance and hope some semblance of social services still exist there in the coming months and years.
I know that you mean a “shithole” country, but I think 2nd world country is more accurate here
Pretty sure America was never really a first world country, it just seemed that way
Perfect. Could be a better finger choice but really accurate.
Every country despises you complacent and dumb Americans.
I think that’s a little exaggerated, but even if it were 100% accurate it’s not like America hasn’t earned the reputation.
I just want you to take me with you :((((
I have not see this happen, whut?
deleted by creator
Europeans are the best.