Deborah Freel, executive director of Tri-County S.P.E.A.K.S., a sexual assault center in Charleston—part of Mace’s district—that operates its own 24/7 hotline, said her staff spent Tuesday testing out the number only to reach the voicemail whenever they called; they also fielded calls from community members concerned that Mace’s number was going unanswered, she said.
“It isn’t a hotline,” Freel told me. “It’s not connecting a survivor or someone with a concern to the resources that they need in that moment, which is really challenging. If the intention was to get them those resources, then it would be better for them to be directed to either a local or national resource.”
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Oh, are you “transvestigating” her? How very progressive of you. /s
Such a childish comment
Hi, friend. I don’t believe you are transphobic. Something that might help for next time is to imagine if what you are saying about a cis woman could also be said to a trans woman.
Hope that helps!
Hey dude this aint how ya turn an insult around, they dont care about this shit in practical terms. The best insults especially counter insults using ones they use are ones they actually would be offended by, its a lot like flyting where you have to tailor your insults to the subject.
If ya want to go full pedal to the metal no regard for decorum with Mace specifically well all I ask is that no one gets bent out of shape on this I am gonna channel the worst of the Boomers I grew up around. Aight insult time, “I severely doubt anyone would sexually assault Nancy Mace, look at her its practically bestiality.”
Why mine would work is cause it attacks their insecurities, their self image, their reality, and even their personhood. Its doing the same thing they do to other folks without granting legitimacy to their claims. Or maybe im a horrible fucking human being who gets sadistic pleasure for being horrible to other horrible people, I dont know nor do I care.
Hey, your comment is deleted, though from the replies it suggests you were trying to “transvestigate” a transphobe. I would like to help explain why that’s a bad idea. That can still cause collateral to actual trans people because it can make us very self-conscious and focus on our own perceived flaws, even if they’re things that no one except us would notice. That’s why it’s a bad idea to try and use it against transphobes; you risk causing dysphoria in trans people simply by listing off the “signs” of a person being trans.