Well - it’s here! The first two episodes are on Disney+

Keen to hear what everyone’s thoughts are. Needless to say, there will be lots of spoilers in this discussion.

I really liked it. Felt like a solid continuation of Rebels, a bit slow at times, but overall a solid setup for what could be a very interesting and exciting series.

I feel like we should be able to guess the identity of the masked third Sith-esque villain. Don’t think it’s a fallen Ezra (too boring a plot line) but the stance and mannerisms seemed very familiar…

Also - great to see Kevin Kiner doing the music! Nice callback to some Rebels motifs here and there.

I would’ve liked to see Vanessa Marshall as Hera, I felt her voice was so uniquely matched. This Hera seems way too girly for a maternal older Hera. And where is her son?

Hoping for a Freddie Prinze Jr cameo.

Dave Filoni must be so happy to finally tell this story. Can’t wait to see what comes next!

  • bamboo
    2 years ago

    Honestly I think it’d be great if they introduced a new character rather than yet someone else being resurrected and coming back from the dead. That being said, I did see a theory which would be interesting:


    The masked inquisitor is Barriss Offee, who framed Ahsoka for bombing the Jedi temple, which caused her to leave the Jedi order.