In response to suggestions by a lunatic in the US Oval Office, Green Party Canada’s leader Elizabeth May suggested Canada should invite western states Washington, Oregon and California join B.C and split from Canada to form the ‘Cascadia’ eco-state.

(Note this article is from Jan 8, 2025 and Elizabeth May has since become co-leader of the party alongside Jonathan Pedneault).

    1 month ago

    Cleveland and buffallo are oddly tied at the hip when you think about it.

    And by that, I mean I’m tying Cleveland to this deal by teaming up with Buffalo to get in on this. C’mon. We got beer and chocolate and a pretty strong polish population. Which are great people to be friends with. C’mon Canada! You know you like chocolate, and beer, and perogis! Slso buffalo has buffalo wings…I mean I assume. Why else would you name a whole place after a food if that place doesn’t have that food???

    eats french fries

    Ah the french. Known for their CHAMPAIGNEXCELLENCE!!!*

    long awkward silence…like, really long…like you’re wondering how the other guy isn’t breaking character AT ALL. He’s too scared to disrespect Orson Wells

      1 month ago

      I second the motion to have Cleveland become part of Canada alongside New England. The rest of the state can sort itself out on it’s own.