Not enough people are doing something to stop it.
This can be said about almost anything. It’s hard to even talk about the appropriate action, because of course it’s usually against the law and violates the terms on every platform.
That’s why it’s better if we organize on our own. In our neighborhoods, bars, bridgeclubs and backyards.
I read in another thread that Elon is telling gov employees to stop using Slack due to FOIA…
If you’re being told to get off Slack by your new illegal oberlords the below may be of interest.
Mattermost is a great substitute for self hosting comms. So is Element over Matrix or just the signal app.
If you’re in the government and cannot openly protest and need the pension and paycheck, believe me I understand that this economy is built around the threat of being unhoused to force compliance. You can still do something. Start losing files. Send recursive emails. Enter fork bombs when doing data entry.
For those interested in building networks and organizing folks to get together that’s even better. However it carries some risk so if you’re organizing use E2E comms and if you’re researching use Tor Browser. Better yet use a Tails USB on a coffee shop wifi.
And don’t communicate over email, even encrypted email. Email needs to be stored and archived for it to work, often in plaintext so it’s never going to be a secure way to communicate.
For a place to start looking for aid and assistance. If there’s a fridge or book or tool share that’s not there, notify them please so they can update the site.
If you’re looking for a place to help, look up Food Not Bombs plus whatever city is closest to you.
I understand it’s an http site. Don’t sign up for anything that doesn’t pass your vibe check.
If you’d like to help undo all these info purges there’s
Most of all, talk to loved ones, build community. We keep us safe. If you’re interested you could start a patrol and disrupt ICE stakeouts.
It’s a marathon not a sprint. Sometimes it’s as easy as doing the dishes. Mutual aid helps your neighbors and helps you.
Self care and avoiding burnout is most important. They want us harried and worried and feeling like there’s nothing we can do. Fuck that.
Saving your comment. This is very helpful, thanks!
Share and share alike. If we start organizing smaller groups now, the fuckers can’t get all of us.
Shouldn’t this say something like “are you doing something?”. It seems like everyone is busy calling out everyone else for not doing something. Like I guess collectively everyone is pretty aligned to allow democratic principles to fail in the United States. Everybody is is waiting for some imaginary person or group to come safe them while they keep going to work, laugh at super bowl ads, etc.
This is a good point, but keep in mind many of us are taking action in whatever way we can. For some of us, that might just look like spilling a drink during a traffic stop or taking a bit longer to find our drivers license to consume the cop’s time. I’m in a slightly better position to do more, but can’t discuss it. There are in fact people with enough connections to form affinity groups who can access transport to DC. I’m not one of them. So perhaps an even better title is: “Are we all doing the best we can to stop this to the best of our ability?”
Somebody: no.
Tell me more. I think you’re saying that nobody is doing anything to stop this. But I’d love more context.
Excellent article