I was curious about how many lives a cat has depending on the country, so I decided to find as much info as I could and post it here.

The map is made in purple to help daltonic people understand it better. I’ve seen it should help with deuteranopia and protanopia mostly, but I’m very new to this so if you have any feedback, let me know ;)


7 or 9 lives

The countries with 7 or 9 were the ones where I found some discrepancies depending on the region, but since the sources didn’t state which region, I had to put the whole country. Technically, Italy is also in that category, but I believe the people who says it’s 9 lives is in very specific regions and 7 lives is way more used.


Although populated mostly by greeks, surprisingly most info I found pointed towards them saying 9 lives.

No info

There are some countries I couldn’t find any definitive information and had to go with what other pages stated about their myths, these are:

  • Syria
  • Lebanon
  • Palestine
  • Irak
  • Saudi Arabia

So I am very sorry to the arab folks living in those countries if I’m somehow mistaken about this ^^’

Other mistakes

I’m sure I have made some mistakes and assumptions about how many lives a cat has in some countries and I have put them closer to immortality or given them taxes on their lives, forgive me.

  • Thadah D. DenyseOP
    1 month ago

    Its explained in the post. It’s for daltonic people to be able to see it bettee, although I dont have experience with it so I don’t know if I did it right