I’ve been nuking my online presence on big tech platforms, and among the biggest data sources are my Google accounts, including the one I used for watching YouTube.
Using a service they provide for exporting data, I was able to download a list of every video I’ve ever watched since mid-2020. How many of them were there?
Fifty-four thousand.
I have watched more than 54,000 videos since mid-2020.
I knew that I was chronically online and became complacent due to my disabilities, but seeing it laid bare like this suddenly made it feel much more real.
I am awake an average of 15 hours a day. That’s 5,475 hours per year. It’s not unreasonable to assume that I spend around 15 minutes on each video on average, especially given that I often read comments. So that’s about 13,500 hours for all of the videos.
That means that, since 2020 alone, more than two entire years’ worth of my waking hours have been consumed by YouTube.
Two full years of my life, gone. From just YouTube. And the worst part? I hardly remember any of it. Out of all of those videos, I remember maybe 10 or 20 of them off the top of my head. The remaining 99.9% of them were just noise. Void. Nothingness.
How many novel experiences could I have had during that time? How many thought-provoking books could I have read? How many interesting people could I have met? I don’t want to know.
I’ve always felt like there was something wrong about it being 2025 already. It feels like it should be much earlier in the decade. But I think I finally know why: I have created very few memories in the past five years, because most of my time was spent staring at monotonous and forgettable Internet content. That’s why time has gone by so quickly.
Instead of trying new things, engaging with enriching material, and meeting new friends, I allowed my time to be siphoned off by an attention-hungry algorithm that doesn’t care about the incalculable damage it’s doing to millions of lives. I am not the first one to have these regrets, and I certainly won’t be the last.
Never again.
I mean I think it’s easy to get sucked into a passive entertainment experience. I grew up with regular old television and it’s kind of the same deal. And lort knows I’m guilty of YouTubing quite a bit - but for the most part I just kinda have it on the back ground while I’m doing other unproductive things - like playing chess or my phone or doomscrolling lol. Anyways good on you for realizing and sounds like you’re gonna get on a more productive path!
Hey, playing chess is absolutely productive!
Ehhhhh I think that can be argued a bit lol. I have wasted a lot of time without making much progress but it’s an activity I enjoy!
More than just being more productive, I think questioning modern society has put me on track to have a pretty good life in spite of everything. I feel like I understand what truly matters now, and that’s something that will guide me for the rest of my days.
It’s going to be hard to relate to all of the people who are constantly glued to their phones, but I’m still better off not being one of them.
I can’t wait to live in the real world.
5,500 hours in Team Fortress 2 and over 6k in Guild wars 2. I do not regret any of it. Had lots of fun and even met my wife in gw2.
You only lose time when you do things you do not enjoy.
Realizing you are not really enjoying something is a whole other discussion ofc.
Also, not every waking second has to be productive. That’s some real capitalistic brainwashing.
All of our time should be “us” time. If you enjoy watching YT videos, great. You can learn a lot, you can laugh a lot, or you can just relax. All of this is fine.
Work steals much more of our life and pays us in fuckin pennies. And exploitation.
5300 hours in tf2 and counting for me. Recreation isn’t necessarily wasted time.
Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time!
If it makes you feel any better, I have approximately 14000 hours in eve online, between 2006 and 2014.
That is 30% of my waking hours. Every day. For 8 years.
Damn, you must really love spreadsheets.
Nah, we were running lots of pvp squads down in null in the tribute/vale region. Was lots of fun. Made some of my best friends during those times, many of which I am still friends with today.
One of them actually helped me shape my current career trajectory. I moved countries with his help.
What’s do you get that information?
Back in the day you could export your character data with the eve xml api. I think its called ESI these days.
Just wait until you hear about sleeping
I have spent a whole third of my life sleeping.
No need to brag
First: how much of that was “second screen viewing”? I and countless others tend to just put a youtube on the side monitor while working or doing other activities
But the most important thing: This is no different than watching TV back in the day. Basically any millennial has memories of just turning on the TV after school/work and watching Seinfeld or Friends reruns (replace that with the tv show of your country). That is really no different than turning on youtube and seeing that The Algorithm thinks you should watch a Brooklyn 99 compilation. And that is no different than popping in to do a few void relics in Warframe or a couple ranked matches in call of duty or whatever.
And… that is no different than spending 20 hours or whatever to read the latest Sanderson doorstopper (I read on my kindle and I genuinely don’t want to know how long that book was because I stayed up until 4 am during the final mad dash stretch…).
Which gets to what the “content creators” have already realized. It isn’t a competition over what show you are going to watch or what game you are going to play. It is what you are going to do that night with all media being equal.
So it is very good to be aware of how you have been spending your free time (even if I think you are misinterpreting data). But it is also important to understand what you are actually replacing it with. I have old clan buddies from my UT days who talked about how they stopped watching TV… but they watch youtube instead. Or who had a mid-life crisis and are working toward being just as good at frigging Apex Legends as they (thought they) were at UT and so forth. Hell, one buddy basically goes on a long hike every single night after work. And while he is definitely the healthiest among us… The reality is that that is still just “comfort entertainment”.
Personally? I’ve spent the past few years being more mindful of what I do in my spare time. That isn’t to say I stopped watching comfort youtube or even rewatching Seinfeld. But I make it a point to set aside time to learn new skills. AND… probably more importantly… I set aside time to expand my experiences. CRPGs are fricking LONG and even the best studios (Owlcat and Obsidian) have pacing issues. But I also know that I will get a whole lot more out of the thought provoking moments from 40 hours of Pillars versus 40 hours of even Dwarf Fortress. Same with books. I love Sanderson and suspect I may have found even more entertainment from trying to analyze author’s intent more than the plot of Wind and Truth (and I LOVED the plot of Wind and Truth). But it is still a comfort read. Whereas even something like Premee Mohamed’s The Siege of Burning Grass is a much less entertaining book but is also one that stretches my brain far more.
How much of this was music and podcasts?
Yeah like, if it’s all just fortnite streams, valid that that’s a waste of time.
If it’s music, educational stuff, and tutorials, then that’s valid. I learned how to do heaps of things on YT that I would have struggled to learn otherwise.and they are productive, useful, enriching things.
I’d argue that those Fortnite streams are not necessarily a waste of time. OP could have watched Fortnite streams while doing the dishes or left it running while reading something else. OP could have left an automatic playlist running overnight because he dozed off. Playing devil’s advocate here obviously but I’m compelled to do it when someone makes a case with obvious gaps in context.
To be fair, human memory works that way.
I don’t remember most of the conversations I’ve had with people, like, what they said, what I said etc. All of that gets compressed, summarized and distorted in my brain. Usually that summary includes the general vibe of the person, and maybe one embarrassing thing I said.
Time flies because you had something to occupy your mind with. Had you been bored out of your mind, counting minutes, and watching the paint peel off the walls, time would have felt very slow.
However, none of this changes the fact that you’ve spent a lot of time on YT. I’m glad you came to realize that. This is the first step towards changing things.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that I spend around 15 minutes on each video on average,
This is completely unreasonable lmao. I would bet the average is more likely to be 1 or 5 minutes, even if you watch a second of a video it is keep on the history and that’s is going to weight down the average a lot.
Now do the math for porn
I never sign in, so I can’t get the statistics
If you had fun, it’s not wasted.
God damn dude
What makes you think you would have read thought provoking books in that time? Was you YouTube time spent on thought-provoking videos? There’s plenty of those on the platform…
I am interested in how to get this data cause I want to see how bad I have been.
Thanks! I’m turning off lemmy now.