“David said he was told that he would be fined” + David got fined = David kept doing it even after getting warned.
The BBC, doing their public service of letting us all know that David is a twat!
(More serioulsy, most British media - definitelly the BBC - pretty frequently post “other countries are bad” and “shocking treatment of Briton abroad” kind of articles: Brexit was very much anchored on English Exceptionalism and the local media has long feed such delusions of exceptionalism with this kind of article and a more general spin on international news that agrandizes British importance and portrays others countries as lesser)
“David said he was told that he would be fined” + David got fined = David kept doing it even after getting warned.
The BBC, doing their public service of letting us all know that David is a twat!
(More serioulsy, most British media - definitelly the BBC - pretty frequently post “other countries are bad” and “shocking treatment of Briton abroad” kind of articles: Brexit was very much anchored on English Exceptionalism and the local media has long feed such delusions of exceptionalism with this kind of article and a more general spin on international news that agrandizes British importance and portrays others countries as lesser)
Til USA exceptionism is only a continuation of their motherland’s