I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?

  • djsoren19
    1 month ago

    To go further on your point of the choice between fascism now or later, I can’t help but feel like we fucked up by electing Biden. Considering how lackluster Biden was at actually preventing the rise of another Trump term, I seriously think the U.S. would have been better off with two back to back Trump terms. Trump would have still been unprepared for a fascist coup in 2020, and I doubt he’d have enough support to extend his term limits with the fallout of the post-COVID economic issues Biden experienced. The Republican party wouldn’t have had their golden boy to run on, and Biden wouldn’t stupidly consider himself Trump’s kryptonite so I doubt he’d have run. Hell, maybe the Dems could have ran a legitimate primary for 2024 in that timeline.

    I just can’t help but feel like we already chose fascism later in 2020, and now it’s here.