Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST.
Runtime Break start 8h 45m 2h 55m
Episode 121: A New Age Begins
Last we left off, through the chaos of Bell’s Hells, Vox Machina, Mighty Nein, and many other heroes that rose up to try and halt the unbridled emergence of the ‘God Eater’ Bell’s Hells finally delivered to the core of the moon Ruidus where they battled with Predathos itself. Which now, upon its defeat remains dormant temporarily within its vessel, Imogen Temult. After passing beyond the boundaries that kept it locked away for an untold amount of history you begin to step to your trek back towards Exandria.
Tense interactions with some of the ‘holy armies’ perched upon the moon to stop what you are doing at all costs, without understanding the intent behind it. You are eventually given passage to Vasselheim itself, in the moments of a dimmed sky, which we will return to momentarily.
For back within the core of Ruidus (amongst the scattered subterranean tunnels) a wayward troupe of adventurers, responsible for defeating the Weavemind (and dealing with those who remained to surrender within and around the Arx Creonum), the Mighty Nein (shoulder to shoulder with battered but still-surviving Gaz Tomo and other members of the Volition) suddenly receive a message to Mr Caleb Widogast here. Bell’s Hells asking for their aid. Some way to free themselves from Ruidus. To get out from where they were. Though not enough to actually find or gather where they might currently reside. As such, hours have passed since the search.
And there we find them, scattered amongst the dark underground. The smell of fungus and a distant side-echo to each word spoken in a relatively silent world.
Previous Episode: “The Red End”
Gonna be a doozy. My first words after the previous episode were “OK, but where is the closure‽”. It seems we are getting a lot of it.
So much to cover. It makes me wonder what percentage of the finale is going to be Matt’s exposition of happenings around Exandria.
- Each of the deities, betrayer or not, would be capable of making their intentions known somehow at this point. Will we hear about Vecna in that respect?
- Each of the Bell’s Hells arcs finding resolution will take some time, also. Several of them have yet to convince anyone of a worthy motivation for taking on this world-ending challenge.
Sam’s Mug
Aimee’s Nails
Lilli Furfaro - Bell’s Hells Incoming
♪ Hi, it’s me. how are you?
i hope you’re doing well (:
good news, my friends!
with campaign’s end,
i’ve got more tales to tell.Bell’s Hells have their finale;
we hope our heroes win —
and though it’s time to say goodbye,
our story-songs begin!the world is dark and scary.
community is key.
and I have faith that we’ll create
a space where all sing free.let’s start by telling stories
with love and empathy —
i’ll share the first this saturday
with thanks to you from me ❤️ ♪