Criminal transmission of HIV is the intentional or reckless infection of a person with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
As of 2019, at least 29 states criminalize “nondisclosure, exposure or transmission” of HIV,
So? Just use syphilis 4head
Can’t escape the war crimes tribunal anywhere
I guess this is a good example of how wikipedia can be wrong. I checked the sources for one of the states that it listed as yes, and it said it was no. (#28 on the source list, if you care)
Please edit and fix it, thanks.
I love that Lemmy is small enough for me to encounter a non-celebrity (no offense intended!) but whom I still recognize.
Which state?
Yes I have an
DickIt might not be 12 inches, but it sure smells like a foot.
I was having a good day.