Thousands of Germans protested the CDU/CSU party for collaborating with the far-right AfD to pass anti-immigration legislation.
The move, seen as a breach of a post-war taboo against extremist parties, sparked outrage and accusations of making AfD extremism socially acceptable.
The CDU/CSU argues the legislation is necessary due to concerns about immigration and recent attacks by individuals who should have been deported.
Pay attention to how Europeans protest.
He did. It’s the same picture here. Even with all the protests we have people like Melloni and Schoof. AfD is polling at an all time high. I’m not saying stop protesting. But it’s obviously not enough to keep fascim at bay. People have to get a lot more militant.
Wait, do you mean Dick Schoof? The Dutch prime minister? Or does the US also have a Schoof?
Given they mentioned Meloni, they probably are talking about Europe.
What are you seeing in EU protests that BLM didn’t have?
Go look at videos of French protesting proposed social safety net cuts.
Why don’t you tell us how the BLM protestors are pussies compared to the French. You say you want people to learn
Why are you putting words in my mouth? You picked one group of protesters. One.
So did you. You picked one. I picked one.
You felt that Americans can learn something from European protesters, but I don’t know what you’re saying the big difference is. The BLM protesters faced violence and extreme retribution, but were still out there continuously, living, sleeping… why are the Europeans better?
I picked a continent. They weren’t cowed by munitions. They knew potential consequences. They also knew the consequences of milquetoast protests.
All true of American protests. In Atlanta they’ve even been labeling protesters as domestic terrorists. That comes with huge consequences and they still go out there.
Protesting is a lot easier when your country is 28 times smaller than the US.
Oh well, nothing to be done but stay in the house and accept whatever comes, and MAYBE the politicians will suddenly have an attack of conscience!
No, but it’s important to recognize that the situations aren’t 1:1.
The states basically function like separate countries anyway so you can definitely protest on a state wide and it will be noticed. Look where you can start and not what you can’t do.
It’s not like we are protesting EU rules and ruglations with people from different countries, no we protest per country to make a difference.
28 more people to fire a bullet where it belongs?
We’re lighting some candles and then we are proud of ourselves. Even France which is the stereotypical riot country is under the tight grip of neoliberalism and for what feels like decades on the brink of having the Nazi Lepen take over.
There’s not as much of that protest culture as it seems.
Just because France is still a shit hole doesn’t mean the protests don’t work
I’d like to see how this comment ages.
The US was protesting like crazy. It didn’t matter in the end.
The US was protesting on Facebook. You had a few days of real protest after Floyd and then back on Facebook.