When people are struggling economically, they’re looking for a change candidate. Running on everyone being better off than their actual bank statements and credit card bills say was always a shit strategy. Cozying up to Liz Cheney and her lot was secondary to that.
Okay but then what was the alternate winning strategy? The whole world was undergoing massive inflation, the US actually did better than basically every other country. There’s no way to turn around a global pandemic followed by unprecedentrd global inflation in short order. Egg prices went up because of avian flu and culling but no one wants to hear that. What could democrats have run on instead?
When people are struggling economically, they’re looking for a change candidate. Running on everyone being better off than their actual bank statements and credit card bills say was always a shit strategy. Cozying up to Liz Cheney and her lot was secondary to that.
Okay but then what was the alternate winning strategy? The whole world was undergoing massive inflation, the US actually did better than basically every other country. There’s no way to turn around a global pandemic followed by unprecedentrd global inflation in short order. Egg prices went up because of avian flu and culling but no one wants to hear that. What could democrats have run on instead?