Hi! This is a thread to introduce yourself :]. I’m transhetwarrior, and I’m a third generation chinese american and a trans man! I’m learning cantonese and I’m five months on T! I like reading stories with interesting worldbuilding! Nice to meet you!
hallo im rose_eye. bigender pakistani living in pakistan (😢) i like learning random stuff and i make art professionally
Nice to meet you :] what kind of art do you make?
nice to meet u 2 :3 i do marketing and 3d art professionally. while doing traditional sculptures and painting and sketching as a hobby (though given my arthritis its getting harder :( )
Hii I am lunarflamingo online! I am from Mexico but living in the US right now. I like programming and writing and telling stories! Im trying to learn 3d modeling too but im still bad. I have not started on HRT yet. Nice to meet everyone!
2nd-generation chinese american. my gender is not so simple - i am fully transfemme in goals for body and hair, but nonbinary or even a bit masc inside of my head.