
Musk’s salute at Trump’s Inauguration (sic) doesn’t make him a Nazi

Musk’s $250 Million donation to an autocratic usurper Makes (sic) him a Nazi-producing industrialist

Musk is to Nazis what the Hostess board of directors is to Twinkies

Sorry about the additional caps. I may also darken the background for legibility.

  • Live Your Lives@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I guess the problem is that I just don’t see the desire in modern right wing leadership for passing on their power to their next of kin. Hitler didn’t have kids. Elon doesn’t seem to have very good relationships with his kids and has stated that he won’t be giving his companies to them. And none of Trump’s kids are working for the Whitehouse for his second term.

    • Uriel238 [all pronouns]OP
      1 month ago

      That’s because you’re thinking in short term. Hitler and his principals imagined German nobility (such as Göring) inheriting the throne. Hitler didn’t want a legacy of descendants. He wanted to replace Christmas with Hitler Day, and have the society sing Hitler songs and have Hitler bronze statues in every state park.

      These processes of transition take a long time. The French revolution had to go through several stages (the Robespierre’s Reign of Terror being only the first one before it established a republic and almost a century before freedom of religion was finally ratified.

      The point of right wing politics is to consolidate political power into a single nexus. Typically each despot appoints the next, and sooner or later, it’s going to be blood heirs. Trump probably can’t see ahead enough to recognize his own death, and his handlers could decide he suffers from diminished capacity as soon as it is convenient to do so. Vance is Theil’s stooge, and will be disposed of as soon as he crosses his oligarch masters. They would be next in line.

      There are some interesting directions this can take. Borrowing a page from DPRK, they might pretend Trump is still alive and use AI to extrapolate all his public appearances, much the way that Kim Il Sung still rules North Korea from beyond the grave (without the help of AI appearances and speeches)

      And the tech oligarchs have a strong interest in anti-aging, so we might see the first computer-simulated billionaire or advancements in keeping billionaires alive for a whole lot longer. Again, though as with Trump, Reagan and Wilson, it becomes the impetus of a leader’s kitchen cabinet to handle a disabled ruler, whether he’s mad, demented or too incapacitated to communicate, hence how we have geriatric elected officials who really can’t make decisions, so their staff decides for them.

      In that case, it would be what Jamie Raskin calls neo-monarchy in which successors are still appointed by the current ruler, but also accounts for ideological appointees or kings that don’t expect ever to die and be succeeded. Even then, civil wars will occur between those who believe they’re on the short list, and industrialists willing to sponsor them.

      (Extrapolating to the other side of the graph, far left society would distribute power as much as possible. Marx’s ideal was to make everyone politically equal, but we haven’t worked out a perfect means to run such a society without corruption rapidly infecting the process. This is why ideology is not something to be loyal to, but a basic model one develops and improves until it can serve as the rules for a functional system of goverenment.)