Someone on reddit pointed out there’s an OPM rule that makes max payout at something like $25k. Let me go dig it up real quick.
Because that means a lot of people wouldn’t get paid the full amount and Trump is absolutely the kind of person who would use shit like that as an excuse to not keep paying out. I wouldn’t trust this deal because based on stuff like this it doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Apologies for (slight retch) a reddit link:
Per OPM, the federal government can’t legally pay more than $25k, pre-tax. This is another scam. Trump is the literal master of grift. You think he’s gonna make good on this debt after years of not paying his bills?
Edit: Source below
Because that means a lot of people wouldn’t get paid the full amount and Trump is absolutely the kind of person who would use shit like that as an excuse to not keep paying out. I wouldn’t trust this deal because based on stuff like this it doesn’t pass the sniff test.
Musk promised Twitter workers something similar as far as a large payout severance, and reneged on it. source
Yup, that’s immediately where my mind went.
It’s also not legal for him to make the offer without Congress allocating the funds and I doubt there’s much enthusiasm for this. And if he just ignores Congress, then he’s a dictator and just won’t pay like he doesn’t pay his legal bills. You’re screwed either way if you take the offer.
I suspect this is just a scheme to identify people who aren’t loyal to Trump so they can be sidelined and/or fired.
No one that wasn’t retiring anyway is going to take it.
If I were past the retirement threshold, I would probably take this. If I were so burnt out that I could barely cope, I would probably take this. If I were dying and it wouldn’t affect my family’s benefits, I would probably take this.
But in all other cases, you know what I would do? I would reach out to HR and start having the discussions with them. I’d get those “efficiency” wolves salivating at the chance to vacate my position. I’d ask questions, I’d have trouble with the paperwork, highlight certain lines in the agreement where I needed more assurance and clarification. I’d inject additional terms…I mean really gum up the works. I’d occupy as much of their time as they’d give me.
And when it was finally time to sit down and sign, I’d rip it all up, right there in front of whomever I could get an audience with and tell ‘em I changed my mind. And then I’d do it all over again 3 months later.
You must have missed the details in the article. OPM has listed on their website under ‘fork’. The deadline for acceptance is 6 Feb, and the resignation will be effective at the end of September. There is no back and forth with HR; you simply reply to their email with the word ‘resign’ or you don’t and remain employed until the loyalty police come around.
Sounds like a good time for me to RESING then and get that sticky ball of wax rolling.
I sincerely hope many more employees than they anticipate avail themselves of this opportunity.
Not the best option because if you resign, you then lose your pension (what is left of it). Best bet is to hold out as long as possible then just retire
if you resign, you then lose your pension
Uh are you sure? That doesn’t sound right.
Its technically quitting which means pension is removed. The only way to keep a government pension is to retire from the government with x amount of years. I forget the base amount, but this is why people will work for the government for a while, go to contractor to make a shit ton more, then go back into the government to retire.
That doesn’t sound right at all. People quit all the time and you want people to quit if they aren’t in the right job. For DC pensions you transfer out what you accrued, but for DB pensions the calculations are more difficult. I just don’t have first hand experience with govt DB pensions.
Below is the OPM guidelines
If you leave your Government job before becoming eligible for retirement:
you can ask that your retirement contributions be returned to you in a lump sum payment, or
if you have at least five years of creditable service, you can wait until you are at retirement age to apply for monthly retirement benefit payments. This is called a deferred retirement. View the deferred retirement web page.
Yeah that’s how it should work. You don’t “lose” your pension at all, it’s either transferred to you or you get it when you reach retirement age. You just don’t continue to accrue any more, which is not “losing” your pension.
The closest you can come to saying you “lose” your pension and it’s a stretch to use the word “lose” is if you work for less than 5 years, it looks like you only get your contribution back. 5 years is a bit too long for, effectively, vesting imo but sorry to say you really have to pick a better word.
But for those who are at retirement age, the only way to get it again is to be hired again, which wont happen for atleast 4 years
Shrinking the government by spending lots of money sounds like a terrible idea.
Not if you don’t intend to pay it.
Perfect for the GOP
Wdym? It lowered my cost of living and increased the length of my penis by an inch!
Sounds like a terrible idea for you
I’ve seen a copy of the email. The offer also leaves it open for the agency to keep making the person work, so it’s not a clear-cut “paid administrative leave” situation. Even if it were, there is no way they’d keep it going through the date they claim; they’d make up some reason to cut people off.
I’m about 95% certain this is a trap to get rid of what will probably primarily be federal employees who dislike Trump. The other 5% is still trying to figure out how the hell to get off this train.
The short version of the email is “If you agree ahead of time to resign in September, you can work from home until then.” So, if you get another job in the meantime or give them reason to fire you, they’ll stop paying you.
Trap, Elon did this to his workers, and never paid
The best option is probably take them up on that offer as soon as possible and start looking for a different job.
If you don’t take the offer you will be fired anyway just later when the jobs are already filled outside.
You’ll never actually get the money. Trump doesn’t have a slush fund he can use for this. Congress would have to allocate funding and they almost certainly won’t. Or he’s basically a dictator and just won’t pay like he doesn’t pay his lawyers and contractors.
They’re probably just trying to identify people who aren’t loyal to Trump so they can sideline or fire them. They don’t give a shit if some liberal gets scammed. I mean, Trump scams his own supporters. You think he gives a shit about scamming a liberal?
Meanwhile the federal government is running on a skeleton crew and millions of people get screwed over or go hungry or die.
So the suggestion is the people who voted for this government have no idea what they were doing and now the workers need to go against their own government to save America? If that would be so then democracy doesn’t work in America.
I’m not going to entertain Russian trolls. The majority of Americans did not vote for Trump, and the vast majority of those who did likely wouldn’t agree with a wholesale dismantling of their government. The ones that do agree can fuck right off for thinking Trump has any interest in their lives or wellbeing.
I’m not a Russian troll which you clearly can see from my posting history.
The majority of Americans did not vote for Trump
Then how does democracy work normally?
Just wait 6 months for them to ask you to consult to do your own job for a higher price
The wording of the agreement was basically “in exchange for agreeing to quit in September, you can keep working from home.” You are expected to keep working and if you get another job they’ll stop paying you. Not as generous a deal as the headlines make it sound, but still may be the best choice for some people, especially people who expect to get let go anyway.
Brilliant way to destroy government. I wouldn’t have thought of this in my evilest mind. Bravo. Capitalism regulating government. Delightful.
What’s going to be the impact of all these workers giving up their jobs in 10 months? Probably flood the labor market, reduce consumer spending, tank the economy.
Trump Doesn’t Pay. He never does unless forced. Even then he still doesn’t half the time.
deleted by creator
If your morals are for sale, especially at such a low price, then you have no morals. These jobs are important. Many of the roles would be filled again, but with sycophants who will do everything they can to hurt marginalized groups of people.
If you really believe in “fuck trump” then you should be on board with people remaining at their post to reject and refuse illegal orders.
What they said. You beat this by not letting trump do whatever he wants. Say “No, make me.”
what are the chances that they don’t pay after you do take it?
Yeah. I wouldn’t take it just for that.
That’s easy to say when it’s not you that has to deal every day with what abruptly became a very shitty workplace. “Fighting the good fight” from the bureaucracy will only serve to slow things down, and while there is value in that, it’s not going to stop or reverse America’s slide into fascism. You have no right to judge people who opt to try and be happy with a better job elsewhere.
The whole point is to not fill them.