Does this go in depth on how stupid libruls are for buying diapers when you can just change pants after you piss in them?
That’s a subplot, yes, but the main narrative is about lib’ruls forcing businesses and corporations to have bathroom facilities available on their premises when employees can just cut a hole in the butthole of your pants and poop on the go without stealing time from your employer. We call that move ‘drainin’ the swamp.’ It’s your American doody. Anyway, the movie is on PureFlix and The Blaze, check it out.
It’s so brave that he’s finally releasing a movie about what a massive piss baby he is. I saw an early cut as a reviewer; the parts where he films his routine where he pisses himself in terror and sobs over what the liberals will do each day before getting out of bed were really inspired; just total dedication to the art and bringing us an authentic representation of his inner psyche.
It’s obviously Oscar bait. I’ll wait for the -33 critic +105 public rating on Rotten Tomatoes before I’m convinced it carries the message of hate and exclusion wrapped in cruel comedy aimed at trans people, LGBTQA+, historically disadvantaged minorities and at risk members of society. You know the calling card for such a voice of this generation.
This is definitely Dinesh D’Souza’s best directorial work.
It’s all practical effects too! That’s real, honest to God piss that Charlie’s soaked in, none of that CGI bullcrap!
I heard they show the behind the scenes where he gargles piss for 3-hours straight into a microphone and later filter out some of the tones to generate the podcast. The complexity of the process is amazing.
It’s indeed an innovative technique, it’s also how Ted Nugent records his lead vocals.