That’s a subplot, yes, but the main narrative is about lib’ruls forcing businesses and corporations to have bathroom facilities available on their premises when employees can just cut a hole in the butthole of your pants and poop on the go without stealing time from your employer. We call that move ‘drainin’ the swamp.’ It’s your American doody. Anyway, the movie is on PureFlix and The Blaze, check it out.
Does this go in depth on how stupid libruls are for buying diapers when you can just change pants after you piss in them?
That’s a subplot, yes, but the main narrative is about lib’ruls forcing businesses and corporations to have bathroom facilities available on their premises when employees can just cut a hole in the butthole of your pants and poop on the go without stealing time from your employer. We call that move ‘drainin’ the swamp.’ It’s your American doody. Anyway, the movie is on PureFlix and The Blaze, check it out.