Maybe members of Congress shouldn’t get free healthcare; they should be paying it for.
Free healthcare, phone subsides, office decorating budgets, unpaid interns etc. Congress can do without.
Security details…
Spicy. I like you.
Forced to be there by law all day.
They fucking earned those lunches!
Those lunches are usually not even that nice. It’s not like the kids are being given caviar and smoked salmon. This is just being mean for the sake of being mean.
It reminds me of “Maggie Thatcher the milk snatcher”. In the late '70s Thatcher’s government cancelled contracts to supply all kindergarteners across the country with the option of a little cartoon of milk. For many of those kids that was their breakfast and a highlight of their day.
Yeah, it breaks my heart knowing for a lot of kids, these free school lunches or breakfasts are the only dependable meals they have. Feeding hungry kids is the kind of thing I want my taxes being used for. Suggesting kids need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get jobs if they want to eat is cartoonishly evil. They’re already working. School is their job.
I’ve spent my whole life hearing that the US is the greatest country in the world… but I guess I’m just not rich enough to have enjoyed any of those supposed benefits because they sure aren’t trickling down to us common folk.
No, the benefits are trickling down. After having been digested, but trickling down they are.
I was on free lunch as a kid. It was the same lunch as everyone else. The only difference was free lunch kids couldn’t get chocolate milk and the rich kids could. This was in the 90s.
I suggest all republican congressmen fuck off and die.
He should get back to those berry fields since a huge portion of our workforce is about to be deported.
I suggest politicians get a real job, a life, or get the JFK treatment if they think kids receiving free lunch should have to work. In fact, I vote we just go straight to the JFK treatment because those mouth breathers are nothing but a waste of oxygen that could be used on people with actual brains and not cardboard cutouts.