If it doesnt fit into this community, be so kind and point me in the right direction if possible.
So, in case this post fits here:
This situation has gone on for a few days. Recently a ticket machine here in germany got covered in fascist stickers, showing the flag of Nazi-Germany [Flag of Nazi Germany] and propagating Ideals of the “white-power-movement”. I believe the picture speaks for itself. The stickers were removed a few days ago, but returned shortly after. (Picture shows second installment) Today I took some time out of my day to remove them, but it was quite a strenous process. Thats why I came here to ask for any ideas concerning the removal, or general thoughts on the situation. I know that it’s an uphill battle, since putting new stickers down is a process of seconds, but it also feels terrible to do nothing. Any help is appreciated!
Oils in general tend to help dissolve the adhesives used for stickers and labels. You can use vegetable oil to help remove residue from repurposed food jars.
Oils are most likely the most cost effective solution, but that would be quite messy to do right? (Not that I would mind enough, to not save a few bucks👀)
For removing nazi stickers? Yeah. Things like WD-40 are oil-based and work on the same sort of chemical mechanisms. The suggestions for things like “Goo Gone” might help too.
I was meaning “in general” as “helpful tip as saving money by repurposing things is likely a good idea, especially in this political climate”.
Ah, thx for the explanation!
Of course, repurposing as much as possible should be a given, we don’t have that many oils laying around though.
No problem. In the kitchen, cooking oils like canola or vegetable oil can do the trick for de-labeling. The oils don’t need to be petroleum-based, the adhesives don’t know the difference (and I personally prefer using food-safe solvents, finishes, etc).
Okay, that’s understandable!