Include the year it was released.
Please - Flashlight (2024)
I found Moccassin years ago, can’t really remeber how, that’s the only album they ever made (to my knowledge), it’s from 2006 and it’s amazing. I’d say it’s psychedelic rock as genre, and the whole album is very interesting.
ASG is another band who, in my opinion, has a lot of hidden gem. It’s a stoner rock/metal band, and while their faster/heavier tracks are good, I find these two giving me chills everytime I listen to them
Moccasin reminds me of Black Mountain:
From NOTAM of Wind, a 1997 hot air balloon sim for the PlayStation that didn’t have to slap this hard.
I’m looking forward to playing all these tracks at work today.
Whoa, I was not expecting that song to be so good. Thank you for this.
No Money by Wild Ones 2017. This song is really good but the whole album just has this cohesive vibe that I wish more people knew about.
Playtone - Sleep on Sunday (2006?)
An excellent song that I first came upon downloading a demo album from
back in the day when they hosted music albums. I can’t find anything about this song online anymore except for this YouTube upload and in my personal mp3 archives. If you know more about it, I’d love to hear it!I can’t get behind Polyphia. I admire the crazy guitar skills, but while Tim is an amazing guitarist, they forget that music should be catchy.
Very true. I think Tim sometimes makes the most intricate riffs just for him. Not necessarily a bad thing, but mass appeal it may not make.
John Butler, Ocean - 65m views isn’t all that hidden but I’m sure there are a lot of people who haven’t heard it
Andy Stott - Violence (2014)
Mirel Wagner - Red (2011)
Crazy Fuckin’ Robot Body by Snowblood [2020]
Maybe ‘gem’ is a bit of an overstatement (depending on your level of musical snobbery 😋) but I stumbled across this song/artist through Spotify at one point and ended up really digging it/them. They have another song I’d give honorable mention to as well, ‘Freaky Freaky’ I think is the name.
These certainly aren’t what I’d call ‘masterpieces’ or anything, but they’re fun songs I enjoyed and you might too if you can listen without thinking about it all too hard
I’ve been slightly obsessed by Love Endeavour (Maurice Fulton Remix) by Alice Smith from 2014, Golden Fool by Gnome (and indeed the whole album), and Cabin Fever by Slomosa (and indeed almost everything they’ve done), both released last year
Blinded - The Bots (2015)
The Fear - Ben Howard [2011]
Wisely & Slow - The Staves [2012]
Bad Things - Milky Chance [2017]
Release Your Problems - Chet Faker [2014]
Nameless Path - Marcus Foster [2011]
TISM - “Greg, the stop sign!” 1995