Like do cats know that humans are bigger and therefore they don’t try, or do they actually like us?
And does a human yawning look like a tiger opening their mouth, or do they know that the human won’t eat them?
(sorry if this question was weird 😅)
I don’t know exactly what cats think, if anything. I’ve been yawning around cats for 35 years now and not a one has acted like that was a threat. They yawn too so I I think they get it.
My cat doesn’t even seem concerned about getting stepped on by the big clumsy oaf she lives with, let alone eaten. She’s seen the things I eat and they look nothing like her. I’m not a threat, I’m a self-heating cushion with built-in can opener to her.
House cats at least, felis catus, seem to genuinely enjoy the companionship of humans. Mine will follow me around the house and sit next to/on me. She sleeps next to my pillow every night.
Oddly, cats often look at yawning as a relaxation cue. Creatures that yawn are not under stress, and a cat seeing you yawn can help regulate it’s mood
Creatures that yawn are not under stress
Dogs can yawn when feeling stressed.
I don’t remember where I heard it, but basically dogs do understand that they and their humans are different species, but think you’re their leader/master because you provide food and shelter.
But cats are different - they do not understand that they are a different species to their human - they basically think that you are a big strange bald cat. That’s why they don’t fear you (because cats mostly don’t eat other cats) and that’s why they sometimes bring mice or some kind of food to you: they think you fucked up on a hunt or something, so they bring you “food” so you do not die.
Dog : Oh merciful Lord, please share your food with me.
Cat : i know you’re not a good hunter so here’s some food I found for us buddy, hope you like it.
This applies to cats of average or above intelligence. There are a few dumb cats that have about as much awareness as a tater.
I’ve never had a shelter or bred cat. Instead, they just appear from the outside, get found in a parking lot, or sometimes materialize and no one knows where they came from. They get cleaned up and shots, chip, and fixed.
Some cats will get their prey/play drive mixed up and snap on you unexpectedly. Almost like they’re startled but it’s internal, they will often be ‘apologetic’ or confused afterwards. Some cats are worse about this than others and you shouldn’t wrestle or play rough with this kind using your hands, toys only.
And, yes. Cats are absolutely aware of the size and power differential. They’re always watching it at some level. Trust must be earned and often slowly built. Had one cat knock down a stack of pans and run behind me for protection. Some cats dislike being laughed at and it can cause aggression or cause retreat.
A cat’s love is transactional to a high degree, they’re lazy psychos that can learn friendship through trust. They love the comfort of you as much as they actually love you. They mimic affection and scheme a lot more than most people would like to think.
All cats are bad, it’s what makes them so great to have in your life.
Some cats dislike being laughed at and it can cause aggression
The same with dogs.
Yeah, dogs have much stronger sense of self, however. They feel insult, shame, sadness, guilt, and unfairness. I think cats view the laughter as more of aggression/dominance thing than the emotions humans or dogs would map to.
Scheme a lot more?
I have a cat that can call birds. We had a gap under the garage door, and she called sparrows in under the door before I adjusted the hang. She murder-a-lized them all over the house.
Had another, even more sadistic, cat that was very aggressive towards other people. I always had to warn guests not to believe her and not to pet her or they would get cut. She would call people to her and let a little petting happen before ripping a finger or arm. Same cat enjoyed scaring children, one time she jumped through the air and barked in a child’s face just to watch the fun. She had to be put down, I was the only person that was safe around her.
They use these instincts on us to get what they want. They often want petting, treats, or attention so we don’t notice.
My cat doesn’t have any thoughts
Does that mean you can freely bathe your cat, or belly pet, or play with their paws, trim their claws, or pick them up and hold them like a baby, with no resistance? 👀
My cat hates water
😾 <-- Her Face after touching 1 drop of water
My cat doesn’t have any thoughts
You have been misinformed.
You know they’ll eat us if we die and they’re hungry right?
Still, some pet owners might take comfort in knowing that their bodies could help their lonely, hungry animals. “If it kept my old golden retriever going after I died,” Byard says, “I’d be quite happy for it to have a feed.”
I’m right with you Byard.
Well, at least this would disprove my mom’s comment about me being useless, I’m very useful as cat food 😅
Sounds smart to me… Lol
Same here honestly! Its not like I was going to use the body again. Worm food or cat food, its all alright by me!
my cat definitely thinks yawning = ready to provide pets but she also thinks everything else I do indicates readiness to provide pets so idk
You just exude that “ready to provide pets” vibe
From what I know cats see us as part of their tribe.