Lmao, Trump is trying to make Native Americans foreigners based on a shit interpretation of an 1800’s law by one of his fascist MAGA lackies who is likely an illiterate dipshit millionaire yes-man.
It’s always going to be that asshole Stephen Miller:
Ah yes that little incel piece of trash nazi. He is truly the traitor’s Goebbels. Remind me again what the USA used to take pride in doing to nazi filth?
his grandparents are holocaust survivors. You can’t write this shit as any fuction featuring it would be unbelievable.
What do you mean “try”?
Years and years and years of Republicans and Conservatives dancing around like confused travolta at the suggestion they are racist bigots. They control all three branches for barely 72 hours and nearly everything they have done has been in support of racism and/or bigotry.
No, some has been to make it easier to pollute or steal!
Well sure NOW, three days later…
And deport them to …Oklahoma?
And if we’re already here?
I’m really trying to think of a joke but it’s just so stupid and infuriating.
No, to put them in fucking camps
Quick quiz for the Trump administration: where are Native Americans from?
Nativity, obviously
Native Americans and Mexicans owned this land before these orange faced racists showed up.
I’ll take “things that will cripple the economy” for 800.
This is unsurprising for the guy who idolizes Andrew Jackson.