• lemmingthelemmers@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Haha it’s people with flawed logic like you who deserve all the blame.

    People who think like you should have to pass aptitude tests before they vote since they literally lined up behind an undemocratically appointed presidential candidate who had no concrete policy position except vibez and no fundamental changes from Biden.

    People who couldn’t see an obvious and humiliating loss coming for Harris and the democrats since Biden was the candidate are the only people responsible for this disaster.

    The democrats could have given you options. They didn’t because they don’t care about you. They paraded around a half-dead 80 year old man as competent and made excuses for his ineptitude while telling everyone who said he wasn’t fit that they were the ones who were actually crazy. Then they do a last minute bait and switch because he is literally falling apart before the world’s eyes. They lied to you over and over and you are still carrying water for them. Does the history of the situation not matter now that Trump is president?

    That’s exactly why people are being called bluemaga.

    • PugJesus@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Yes, of course, how could I not see that “no fundamental changes from Biden” was a horror worth electing a literal fascist. Thank you for informing me that worsening every issue facing us was the preferable choice in order to teach those darn Dems a lesson. Many of us filthy poors and minorities will suffer and die, but that’s a sacrifice you and your’s are willing to make, right?

      • lemmingthelemmers@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Why are you hung up on the idea of teaching democrats a lesson? Democrats are not owed votes. They have to earn them. They did not earn them this time for a multitude of reasons, but you want to blame everyone else except them and their weak policies, weak campaigns, weak candidates, and shattered moral compass.

        You can prefer the slow unnoticeable slip into fascism the democrats were offering instead of the highway to hell version republicans are unrolling, but please just be honest about it.

        Biden did nothing to improve American’s every day lives. The cost of living keeps going up and all the democrats do is say, “hey, the parliamentarian that you have never heard of says we can’t do $15 minimum wage, but we can give ourselves raises and send billions to Ukraine for a proxy war and even more billions to Israel for a genocide. oh things are getting too expensive out there? slow down on the avocado toast. get a job as a coder. see our lives are fine, why are you all complaining.”

        We were going to end up in the same place whether democrats or republicans won. It’s just more pleasing to you draped in blue instead of red. I thought maybe TDS democrats would finally start fighting for Palestine once Trump came into office, but they instead turned their derangement on the people who don’t want American to fund and safeguard a genocide. Crazy times we are witnessing.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Why are you hung up on the idea of teaching democrats a lesson? Democrats are not owed votes. They have to earn them.

          “Your genocide is an acceptable price to teach those damn Dems a lesson!”

          Yeah, I wonder why I’m hung up on that. Fucking fascist.

          We were going to end up in the same place whether democrats or republicans won.

          Privileged bothsides bullshit. Fuck’s sake.

          I thought maybe TDS democrats

          Mask-off, I see.

          • lemmingthelemmers@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            You see nothing because you live in an echo chanber. You can’t see both sides are playing you because you don’t want to believe it. You need a bad guy and a good guy to come save you.

            Newsflash: Democrats aren’t saving anything except their own asses.

            Biden’s genocide was acceptable to you. Harris’s contiuation of the genocide would have been acceptable to you because it would mean Trump is not in office.

            You accept Trump’s genocide as well as long as you think you have some moral high ground over people who did not vote for Holocaust Harris. Uou tell yourself, “Yeah, it’s somebody else’s fault. Not mine for voting for the WORST CANDIDATE IN US PRESIDENTIAL HISTORY. It has to be the people who wanted this to end before it even began. How are my coconut vibez?”

            The masks are indeed coming off of bluemaga democrats. That is for certain. These people just as blinded in their rage towards Donald Trump as maga rages against marxists.

            The moral highground you believe you occupy is flooded with the souls of Gaza that Biden and Harris allowed to be exterminated and somehow you are blaming Trump for it. It’s an amazing braintrick you perform there.

            My advice is next time don’t throw your vote away.