We burned down the white house at some point I think.
Help us out and do it again.
Not in the war of independence but one war later (British-American war).
The war of 1812.
Care to demonstrate a second time?
it was still pretty native at that point. its like why didn’t areas west of the colonies participate. The major cities were in the us colonies and up there was basically outposts for hunter/traders. Was not even year around settlers till the 1600 and it did not grow as fast as down south.
Je suis pas britannique et je suis Canadien
I meant, at the time, it was a British colony
Things I’ve learnt:
the American continental army tried to take Quebec early in the war but were unsuccessful
inhabitants of British Canadian territory did not have the same sentiment towards Independence as in the 13 American colonies, it was far more sparsely populated, lived in closer association with indigenous people, and was not economically large enough to consider independence
after the war, many British loyalists left America and settled in Canada causing the cultures to diverge even more
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and other bits all used to be part of British Québec
America attempted to claim all the above plus canadian Quebec in the Paris peace talks after the war
in the end the British surrendered only the above territories and kept modern day Québec with the border becoming more or less the modern US-Canadian one