Is that Joe Biden next to Jackie?
Yes, he was always old and he travels through time. There’s a picture of him at Julius Caesar’s coronation.
You joke but Nancy Pelosi was there as a 20 year old student.
Cool bit of trivia
Looks too young
I honestly believe that the show has been moved inside due to safety concerns, having nothing to do with the cold.
We already have one CEO gunned down. Can you imagine the target having Trump, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and however many other billionaires and government officials makes?
That is a good point and I’m sure it’s a factor.
JFK is two things DJT is not: a good president and shot.
Both unfortunate
JFK wasn’t old and frail like Trump.
Biden was and was cold during his swearing in. Trump big pussy baby and wish he could see this post, or the one where Nixon was sworn in when flags were half staff.
I seem to recall it being cold during Biden’s inauguration too. Just ask Bernie.
Yeah, but magats are pretty sensitive, a bunch of balls, actually. Their whole persona is being sensitive to anything they didn’t experience between the ages of 5 and 14. They don’t like new information or opinions nit expressed in the 5 miles radius of their depressed community.
The 80+ crowd’s joints start hurting in the cold.
you forget that is went we didnt just elect grandpa that could die because just because their body cant even regulate their own heat to keep themselves alive.
Meh. Maybe we’ll get a repeat of Harrison’s term.
But was JFK surrounded by his oligarch tech bros after a surprisingly large number of people voiced that they do, in fact, support the public shooting of a CEO?
My guess is that Trump fears assassination.others have started a thread on that here.
To be fair, lizard people are cold blooded and don’t do well outside in the winter.
Jesus Fucking Krist that’s cold to be giving a speech.
Oh hey, a man.