I legitimately use this line in one of my scripts because range.find returns an error of the value is not found. The use case is taking a 2d matrix saved as an array, with data collected from multiple excel tabs and rearranging it for a CSV upload into Salesforce. The initial array contains values that the rest of the data does not have, so when I search for a non existent value, I can skip the error.
Of course vba COULD just implement try/catch statements and that’d be so much cleaner, but alas.
if (error) { continue; }
try { operation(); } catch { // nice weather, eh? }
Starting with Java 21 (I think), they’ve introduced ignored variables, so you can now actually do this:
try { operation(); } catch (Exception _) { // nice weather, eh? }
Edit: forgot that this is about JS lel
So basically the same as a discard in C#?
Yeah, Python has it as well. I think the only real use of it is code readability since you declare that this variable will never be used.
Same thing right?
☑️ PR Approved
Thanks. I hate it.
On Error Resume Next
Visual Basic is a beautiful language
Was always syntacticly confusing for me.
I legitimately use this line in one of my scripts because range.find returns an error of the value is not found. The use case is taking a 2d matrix saved as an array, with data collected from multiple excel tabs and rearranging it for a CSV upload into Salesforce. The initial array contains values that the rest of the data does not have, so when I search for a non existent value, I can skip the error.
Of course vba COULD just implement try/catch statements and that’d be so much cleaner, but alas.