It’s so all over the map, what does or doesn’t count as toughness. That criteria rewrites itself in real time like the plot of a dream.
Avoiding or ignoring questions I would have thought is weakness. Letting covid sweep the country. Falling behind China and India with a weaker labor force. Being ready to surrender to Russia. Being unable to confront the truth that you lost an election.
Any number of mixed and matched definitions could include or exclude those from operative definitions of toughness/weakness without any more or less rhyme or reason.
Dude got weird “Libertarian” vibes:
But he’s just one of five board members of the Non-Profit that owns Proton AG, not really a doomsday event… yet.
It’s so all over the map, what does or doesn’t count as toughness. That criteria rewrites itself in real time like the plot of a dream.
Avoiding or ignoring questions I would have thought is weakness. Letting covid sweep the country. Falling behind China and India with a weaker labor force. Being ready to surrender to Russia. Being unable to confront the truth that you lost an election.
Any number of mixed and matched definitions could include or exclude those from operative definitions of toughness/weakness without any more or less rhyme or reason.